Implicit expansion for griddedInterpolant
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I have to do a lot of interpolation on one data set and already found that griddedInterpolant is way faster than interp2;
It also allows element wise operation if two tensors of the same size are provided. As these are very big in my case, but repeat in some dimensions, I am wondering if something like implicit expansion (I hope I am using the correct terms here) can be used to speed up the code. Because for other functions using repmat is not advised.
Here I provide a minimum working example to show how I currently do it. Commented out are ways that I wish were possible to speed up the code but I can't get to run.
[X,Y] = ndgrid(0:10);
Z = rand([11,11]);
J = griddedInterpolant(X,Y,Z);
xq = sort(rand([4 1 3])*10);
yq = sort(rand([1 3 3])*10);
zq = J(repmat(xq,1,length(yq),1),repmat(yq,length(xq),1,1));
% zq = J(xq,yq); %implicit expansion?
% zq = bsxfun(@J,xq,yq);
% zq=J({xq,yq}) %Matt J's suggestion
If you have any input ( that can be generalized to different sizes of grids and lookups etc) I would be really thankful!
edit: changed xq, yq in the eaxmple to higher tensor to represent my problem more accurately
Accepted Answer
Matt J
on 9 Nov 2023
Bruno Luong
on 9 Nov 2023
Not too much messy with 4+D
zq = zeros(max(size(xq),size(yq)));
for k=1:size(zq(:,:,:),3)
zq(:,:,k) = J({squeeze(xq(:,:,k)),squeeze(yq(:,:,k))});
More Answers (1)
Bruno Luong
on 9 Nov 2023
You can do your own extension as showed here
Bruno Luong
on 9 Nov 2023
It's probably depends on the size of your data. The strip down version like the one in this thread might beat TMW generic implementation.
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