How can I fix the error in my MATLAB program's objective function, which aims to optimize Simulink model parameters to match simulated data with experimental data (y_exp)?
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I am trying to code a Matlab program that optimizes the parameters of a Simulink model called "R1Model" and simultaneously compares the simulation data (simulated_data) generated by the model with the experimental data (y_exp). Once the optimization is complete, the code should display the values of the optimized parameters such that the simulated data matches the real data. I think the error is in the objective function. This Error message always occurs:
Error using fmincon (line 321)
Row dimension of A is inconsistent with length of b.
Error in Try1 (line 27)
[optimal_param, optimal_value] = fmincon(objective_function, initialRCParams, lb, ub);
Help is highly appreciated:)
The Code:
ExpData = importdata("Res_1st_run.mat");
t_exp = ExpData.results.I_cmd_A.Time.';
%y_exp = ExpData.results.U_measured_V.Data.';
y_exp = ExpData.results.SOC_BAT.Data.'./100;
% the Simulink model function to be optimized
simulink_model = @(param) simulate_model(param, t_exp);
% the objective function to minimize (sum of squared differences)
objective_function = @(param) sum((y_exp - simulink_model(param)).^2);
% Initial parameter guess
initialRCParams = [RCParameters.R_i, RCParameters.R_1, RCParameters.R_2, RCParameters.C_1, RCParameters.C_2];
% Define parameter bounds
lb = double([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
ub = double([10, 10, 10, 10, 10]);
% Optimization using fmincon
% options = optimset('Display', 'iter', 'MaxIter', 100); % Modify options as needed
[optimal_param, optimal_value] = fmincon(objective_function, initialRCParams, lb, ub);
% Display optimized parameter and objective value
fprintf('Optimized Parameter: %.4f\n', optimal_param);
fprintf('Optimized Objective Value: %.4f\n', optimal_value);
% Simulate the model with the optimized parameter
simulated_data = simulate_model(optimal_param, t_exp);
% Plot the experimental and simulated data for comparison
plot(t_exp, y_exp, 'b', t_exp, simulated_data, 'r');
legend('Experimental Data', 'Simulated Data');
function simulated_data = simulate_model(param, t_exp)
%param = initialRCParams;
RCParameters = param;
% Simulate the model and return the simulated data
simulated_data = sim('R1Model', 'StartTime', num2str(t_exp(1)), 'StopTime', num2str(t_exp(end)));
simulated_data = simulated_data.yout{1}.Values.Data;
Accepted Answer
Walter Roberson
on 16 Nov 2023
[optimal_param, optimal_value] = fmincon(objective_function, initialRCParams, lb, ub);
Mathworks-provided functions never look at the names of variables that you are passing in as parameters in order to guess what functional role the contents of those parameters have.
Mathworks-provided functions work with a mix of positional parameters and name-value pairs (all name-value pairs must go after positional parameters.)
fmincon() does not accept any name-value pairs, only positional parameters. If you do not wish to actively use a particular positional parameter, pass in [ ] in that location.
[optimal_param, optimal_value] = fmincon(objective_function, initialRCParams, [], [], [], [], lb, ub);
on 29 Nov 2023
Did you try a different initial point ?
Did you write the simulated data to file during execution and compare them with those you obtain with the initial parameters ?
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