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Fault system map in Shp file

4 views (last 30 days)
israel cohen
israel cohen on 19 Dec 2023
Commented: israel cohen on 19 Dec 2023
I want to add to a geogerphic map i create a faults system data that I have in a shp file.
someone can help me how can I combine between those two maps? or maybe how can I open the shp file with layer of geographic map? cas i get just the layer of the faults system fogure without geographic information.

Answers (1)

atharva on 19 Dec 2023
Hey Israel,
I understand that you want to combine a shapefile with a geographic map in MATLAB, you can use the Mapping Toolbox. Here's an example of how you can do it:
% Load the shapefile
faults = shaperead('path/to/faults.shp');
% Create a geographic axes
ax = geoaxes;
% Plot the geographic map
geoplot(ax, 'worldrivers');
% Plot the faults on top of the map
geoplot(ax, faults);
% Customize the plot as needed
title('Geographic Map with Faults');
% Add other map elements if desired
geolimits(ax, [lonmin lonmax], [latmin latmax]);
geobasemap(ax, 'grayland');
In this example, path/to/faults.shp should be replaced with the actual path to your shapefile. The geoplot function is used to plot both the geographic map and the faults on the same axes. You can customize the plot by adding titles, legends, and other map elements using the various functions provided by the Mapping Toolbox.
You can go through the MathWorks documentation for a better understanding of the functions
I hope this helps!
  1 Comment
israel cohen
israel cohen on 19 Dec 2023
Thank you!
i got this error:
Error using geoplot
Expected lat to be one of these types:
double, single, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, int64
Error in shpmap (line 11)
geoplot(ax, 'worldrivers');
do you know what should i change?

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