Hey all!
I did a hierarchical cluster analysis, with a 15 x 800 matrix. The 800 represents all my parameters I clustered and created a dendrogram of. Now I have a certain parameter I want to know with which other parameter it clusters the most. So basically I want to find the cluster, on whatever level, that contains this specific parameter.
Since its so many, it is not directly visible and I was wondering if there is a more elegant way, than just scrolling over the clustergram / zooming (which is quite some pain and sometimes even impossible).
I appreciate all your help!
Thanks a bunch.
This is the type of cluster analysis I did:
cgo1 = clustergram(matrix, 'Standardize',1 ,'Colormap',map, ...
'RowPDist','euclidean', 'ColumnPDist','euclidean' ,'Linkage','ward',...
'DisplayRange',3, 'Symmetric', 0, 'Cluster',3);