I am modeling Hybrid model for load forecasting. I have ran the HW and FOA part but when I merge LSTM then I am getting error of "TrainNetwork"

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I have four years of Electricity data from a city for load forecasting and I am unable to train my LSTM network and getting the error again and again.
My LSTM modeling is as follow:
% Prepare Data for LSTM
% Calculate Residuals
residuals = actual_data_2021 - forecasted_values_2021;
% Ensure residuals is a column vector
residuals = residuals(:);
% Prepare Data for LSTM
sequence_length = 24; % Number of time steps
num_samples = length(residuals) - sequence_length;
X = zeros(num_samples, sequence_length); % Preallocate for efficiency
Y = zeros(num_samples, 1); % Output for LSTM
for i = 1:num_samples
X(i, :) = residuals(i:i+sequence_length-1); % Last 24 hours data
Y(i) = residuals(i + sequence_length); % Next hour data
% Alternative Approach: Using `permute` for Reshaping
X = permute(X, [1, 2, 3]);
% Check dimensions of X and Y
disp(['Size of X: ', mat2str(size(X))]);
disp(['Size of Y: ', mat2str(size(Y))]);
% Define LSTM Network Architecture
numFeatures = 1; % Number of features (univariate time series)
numHiddenUnits = 50; % Number of hidden units in LSTM layer
numResponses = 1; % Number of responses (single value prediction)
layers = [ ...
% Training Options
options = trainingOptions('adam', ...
'MaxEpochs',100, ...
'GradientThreshold',1, ...
'InitialLearnRate',0.005, ...
'LearnRateSchedule','piecewise', ...
'LearnRateDropPeriod',50, ...
'LearnRateDropFactor',0.2, ...
'Verbose',0, ...
% Train LSTM
net = trainNetwork(X, Y, layers, options);
and I am getting the following error again and again.
Size of X: [8688 24]
Size of Y: [8688 1]
Error using trainNetwork
The training sequences are of feature dimension 8688
but the input layer expects sequences of feature
dimension 1.
Error in LSTM_model (line 69)
net = trainNetwork(X, Y, layers, options);
Can anyone suggest me how to resolve this problem please?
I would highly appreacite and if needed I can pay for it.
Email: Farhanee.suit@gmail.com

Answers (2)

Ben on 5 Jan 2024
When you have multiple time-series observations you need to put the data into cell arrays. This is because each time-series can potentially be a different sequence length in general. Here's an example with the sizes you have:
% Set up fake data with same sizes
num_samples = 8688;
sequence_length = 24;
X = zeros(num_samples,sequence_length);
Y = zeros(num_samples,1);
% Convert to cell array
Xc = num2cell(X,2);
Note that now Xc is a cell array, and there are num_samples entries in Xc, and Xc{i} has size 1 x sequence_length.
Note that the way your data seems to be set up is a sequence-to-one task, so the target data Y aren't sequences. In this case you need a model that outputs non-sequence data, e.g. by specifying OutputMode="last" in lstmLayer. Here's some dummy code to show training can work:
net = [sequenceInputLayer(1);lstmLayer(1,OutputMode="last");regressionLayer];
opts = trainingOptions("adam",MaxEpochs=1);
trainednet = trainNetwork(Xc,Y,net,opts);
Muhammad Farhan
Muhammad Farhan on 9 Jan 2024
thank you so much for your valuable answer.
It works but I am getting another error now.
Here is an error window.
Can you also help me to resolve this problem please?
Million of thanks in Advance.
>> LSTM_model
Training on single CPU.
| Epoch | Iteration | Time Elapsed | Mini-batch | Mini-batch | Base Learning |
| | | (hh:mm:ss) | RMSE | Loss | Rate |
| 1 | 1 | 00:00:00 | 0.05 | 1.3e-03 | 0.0010 |
| 1 | 50 | 00:00:00 | 0.03 | 3.6e-04 | 0.0010 |
| 1 | 67 | 00:00:00 | 0.06 | 1.8e-03 | 0.0010 |
Training finished: Max epochs completed.
Warning: Data sample time is assumed to be 1 seconds. To specify a different value for the data
sample time consider providing data using a timetable or an iddata object.
> In idpack.iodata.extractRefDataFromAnalysisInputList>localDeduceSampling (line 412)
In idpack.iodata.extractRefDataFromAnalysisInputList (line 108)
In idmodel.parseCompareResidPredictInputs (line 66)
In predict (line 83)
In LSTM_model (line 69)
Error using predict
The number of inputs and outputs of the model must match that of the data.
Error in LSTM_model (line 69)
lstmForecastedResiduals = predict(net, X);
Ben on 9 Jan 2024
Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the functions here where the error is occuring such as idpack.iodata.extractRefDataFromAnalysisInputList>localDeduceSampling
Do you have custom layers that call these functions?

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Venu on 7 Jan 2024
Edited: Venu on 7 Jan 2024
The 'permute' function is used to rearrange the dimensions of an array without changing the total number of dimensions.
In your code:
X = permute(X, [1, 2, 3]);
If X were initially a 2D array, 'permute' would not add a third dimension; it would only rearrange existing dimensions if you specified a different order. You need to reshape it to a 3D array with the second dimension being 1 (since you have a univariate time series).
X = reshape(X, [sequence_length, 1, num_samples]);
Hope this helps!


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