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Updating the plot problem while using refreshdata

14 views (last 30 days)
Hi!! I was having a problem on my code while using the refreshdata, and I was hoping for your help. I want to see the actual first peak and valley from my data, then update the plot after passing them until i reach the last value in my data. I tried first to just run the whole data, but I am already stuck with it and just keep getting the whole data, and was fast too. I was actually planning to use it for the succeeding codes that I already have and for a real-time signal analysis.
I am not used to Matlab coding too so bear with me please.
Here is the code I made
%raw data from XYZ direction
NormChest = readtable('Tidal/TV_500ml.csv'); %%%get the raw data
C = table2array(NormChest(:,1));
x = table2array(NormChest(:,2));
y = table2array(NormChest(:,4));
z = table2array(NormChest(:,6));
total = table2array(NormChest(:,8));
time = C(:,1);
% get relative acceleration
x = x - mean(x);
y = y - mean(y);
z = z - mean(z);
total = total - mean(total);
% % plot for raw data
% figure (1)
% plot (time, x, time, y, time, z, time, total), legend('x','y','z','total'); axis tight;
% title ("Subject 1 (500 mL)")
%partial delay %Still having difficulty here
x1 = time; %trial
y1 = z; %trial
h = plot (x1, y1);
h.XDataSource = 'x1';
h.YDataSource = 'y1';
for i = 0:20
refreshdata (h, 'caller');
% for i = 1:1:numel (time)
% % refreshdata;
% end

Accepted Answer

Avni Agrawal
Avni Agrawal on 17 Jan 2024
Hi Stella,
I understand that you are trying to create a plot that updates in real-time, showing the first peak and valley of your data, and then updating the plot as you step through the data. The `refreshdata` function is used to update plots when the data source has changed, but in your case, you need to update the data source incrementally.
Here's a revised version of your code that will create an animated plot. This example uses a for-loop to simulate real-time data plotting by updating the plot with one data point at a time and then pausing briefly. This should give you the effect of the plot being drawn in real-time. Note that for large datasets, you may need to adjust the pause duration to control the speed of the animation.
% Read the data from the CSV file
NormChest = readtable('Tidal/TV_500ml.csv');
% Extract data from the table
time = NormChest{:, 1};
x = NormChest{:, 2} - mean(NormChest{:, 2});
y = NormChest{:, 4} - mean(NormChest{:, 4});
z = NormChest{:, 6} - mean(NormChest{:, 6});
total = NormChest{:, 8} - mean(NormChest{:, 8});
% Initialize the plot
h = plot(time(1), z(1), 'b'); % Start with the first data point
hold on; % Keep the plot for updating
ylabel('Z-axis acceleration');
title('Subject 1 (500 mL) - Real-time Signal Analysis');
axis tight; % Set the axis limits to the range of the data
% Set the data source properties for dynamic updating
h.XDataSource = 'x1';
h.YDataSource = 'y1';
% Loop through the data to simulate real-time plotting
for i = 2:length(time)
% Update the data source
x1 = time(1:i);
y1 = z(1:i);
% Update the plot
refreshdata(h, 'caller');
% Pause for a brief moment to simulate real-time data acquisition
pause(0.01); % Adjust the pause duration as needed
hold off; % Release the plot
This code will create a figure and plot the first data point. Then, in the loop, it will incrementally add one data point at a time to the plot and refresh the figure with `refreshdata`. The `pause` function is used to slow down the loop to simulate real-time plotting. You can adjust the duration of the pause to match the speed of your actual data acquisition or desired visualization speed.
I hope this helps.
  1 Comment
Stella on 17 Jan 2024
Edited: Stella on 17 Jan 2024
Thank you Avni!!
I tried your code and it was great! But I also tried multiplying the i of x1 and y1 to 500 for getting every 500 data point, but I get this error "Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 29993. time appears to be both a function and a variable. If this is unintentional, use 'clear time' to remove the variable 'time' from the workspace."
I tried fixing my i value, but it still shows that error. I also tried just using the "time" data, but it cuts the plot short and only a quarter of the data was shown in the plot. Is there a command that I can use to fix it?
% Read the data from the CSV file
NormChest = readtable('Tidal/TV_500ml.csv');
% Extract data from the table
time = NormChest{:, 1};
x = NormChest{:, 2} - mean(NormChest{:, 2});
y = NormChest{:, 4} - mean(NormChest{:, 4});
z = NormChest{:, 6} - mean(NormChest{:, 6});
total = NormChest{:, 8} - mean(NormChest{:, 8});
%design for low pass filter
fs = 1000; %sampling frequency
fc = 1; %cut-off frequency
order = 1;
[b1, a1] = butter (order, fc/(fs/2));
%design for high pass filter
fcv = 0.1;
orderv = 1;
[b2, a2] = butter (orderv, fcv*2/fs, "high");
acc = z
acc = filtfilt (b1, a1, acc);
% Initialize the plot
h = plot(time(1), acc(1)); hold on; % Start with the first data point (1)
xlabel('Time'); ylabel('y-axis acceleration'); axis tight;
title('Subject 2 (1.5 L) - Real-time Signal Analysis');
h.XDataSource = 'x1'; % Set the data source properties for dynamic updating
h.YDataSource = 'y1';
for i = 2:length (time)
% Update the data source
x1 = time(1:i*500);
y1 = acc(1:i*500);
refreshdata(h, 'caller');
pause(0.001); % Can be adjusted
hold off;

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