ode23, 45, 15s, 15i for conservative ODEs

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Which of ode23, 45, 15s, 15i are dissipative or anti-dissipative for conservative ODEs?

Answers (1)

Pooja Kumari
Pooja Kumari on 9 Feb 2024
You are asking about the characteristics of ode23, ode45, ode15s, and ode15i in terms of being dissipative or anti-dissipative for conservative ODEs. Dissipative methods result in a gradual loss of energy over time, while anti-dissipative methods introduce energy into the system.
For conservative ODEs, ode23 and ode45 are generally dissipative, and so are ode15s and ode15i. None of these solvers are typically anti-dissipative.
  1 Comment
feynman feynman
feynman feynman on 9 Feb 2024
Thank you for your answer. Is there any references or evidence to support that this dissipativeness of them isn't equation dependent for conservative ODEs?

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