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importing multiple excel workbooks with multiple sheets into a cell array.

4 views (last 30 days)
I have 11 different excel workbooks and all labeled 001 through 011. what i would like to do with them is have a cell matrix with each cell being one of the excel workbooks and each cell within Those cells being a sheet from the workbooks. I have some code where i can import only one workbook at a time but it does not split up the sheets like i would like, instead it just imports all sheets from a workbook into one large table.
close all;
for i=1:numel(shts)
I also have to manually change the name of each workbook when i want to import a new one which i would prefer be automated up until 011. Im really not the best at MATLAB but am trying to learn so any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 20 Feb 2024
Edited: Stephen23 on 20 Feb 2024
Based on my comment to your previous question:
P = 'D:/foo/bar'; % absolute or relative path to the parent directory
S = dir(fullfile(P,'Non*BP*','*S*','*Subject*ECG.xlsx'));
for ii = 1:numel(S)
F = fullfile(S(ii).folder,S(ii).name);
E = sheetnames(F);
C = cell(size(E));
for jj = 1:numel(E)
C{jj} = readtable(F, "Sheet",E(jj));
S(ii).data = C;
All of the imported data is stored in the structure S. For example, the 2nd file:
S(2).folder % filepath
S(2).name % filename
S(2).data % imported file data in a cell array
If all XLSX files have the same number of worksheets then you could also concatenate the cell arrays into one large cell array:
Z = horzcat(
Or alternatively you could just use a
to do this all for you.

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