How to connect to a in-memory sqlite database using the Database Toolbox
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According to the sqlite docs (, it is possible to create an in-memory database using the :memory: file name. I attempted to create the database like :
conn = sqlite(":memory:", "create");
This did not work and returned the following error:
Error using sqlite
Database file :memory: was not created.
Error in index (line 2)
conn = sqlite(":memory:", "create");
Has anyone had any luck with in-memory databases or have any guidance?
Thank you!
Answers (1)
Kojiro Saito
on 26 Feb 2024
sqlite command only allows file name as input (like data.db), so you need to use JDBC interface instead.
%% Setup with JDBC driver
opts = databaseConnectionOptions("jdbc", "Other");
opts = setoptions(opts, ...
'DataSourceName',"SQLite-jdbc-memory", ...
'JDBCDriverLocation',"C:\Path\to\sqlite-jdbc-", ...
'Driver', "org.sqlite.JDBC", "URL", "jdbc:sqlite::memory:");
username = "";
password = "";
%% Connect to SQLite in Memory with JDBC
conn = database("SQLite-jdbc-memory", username, password);
%% Do something
% Write table to SQLite
LastName = ["Sanchez";"Johnson";"Zhang";"Diaz";"Brown"];
Age = [38;43;38;40;49];
Height = [71;69;64;67;64];
Weight = [176;163;131;133;119];
t = table(LastName,Age,Height,Weight);
sqlwrite(conn, "mytable", t)
% Read from SQLite
t2 = sqlread(conn, "mytable");
%% Close connections
See Also
Find more on Database Toolbox in Help Center and File Exchange
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