Normalize axis scale for annotations

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I want to label a simple plot for some notes:
hf = figure;
x = -180:180;
f = @(x) 0.09*sech(-x/18);
plot(x, f(x));
ha = annotation('arrow');
ha.Parent = hf.CurrentAxes; % associate annotation with current axes
% now you can use data units
ha.Y = [50 20];
ha.X = [f(20) f(20)];
annotation("doublearrow", [0.45 0.45], [0.1 1]);
The trouble is, I want to use the coordinates from the plot, not the "normalized" figure coordinates. How can I rescale them so that
annotation("doublearrow", [0.45 0.45], [0.1 1]);
annotation("doublearrow", [0 0], [0 1]);
  1 Comment
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi on 29 Feb 2024
You can use rescale on the values and then provide them as input to annotation().

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Accepted Answer

Austin M. Weber
Austin M. Weber on 28 Feb 2024
The text function allows you to place annotations on a figure using axes coordinates. For example:
hf = figure;
x = -180:180;
f = @(x) 0.09*sech(-x/18);
plot(x, f(x));
ha = annotation('arrow');
ha.Parent = hf.CurrentAxes; % associate annotation with current axes
% now you can use data units
ha.Y = [50 20];
ha.X = [f(20) f(20)];
% Add annotations
hold on
'HorizontalAlignment','center') % Other double arrows: ⇐ ⇑ ⇒ ⇓
hold off
I'm sure there is a way that you can use the annotation function to do what you want, but I think this method might be easier. I would have to play around with annotation to see how it might work.

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