To address the issue of dynamically reading data for one second without specifying a fixed array size, you can implement a solution that adapts to real-time data reception. One approach is to use a timer to control the duration of data collection. Here's a detailed guide on how to modify your existing MATLAB UDP code:
clientAddress = '';
u2 = udpport("IPV4", 'LocalPort', client_port);
while toc(start_time) < collection_time
data = read(u2, 6610, "double");
if size(dataset, 1) < length(d)
dataset = [dataset; zeros(length(d) - size(dataset, 1), size(dataset, 2))];
disp("Data collection completed for 1 second.");
disp("Dataset size: " + size(dataset));
In this modified code snippet:
The collection_time variable defines the duration for data collection (1 second).
The while loop continues reading data until the elapsed time exceeds the specified collection time.
The dataset dynamically adjusts its size based on the incoming data length to avoid fixed array size limitations.
After one second of data collection, you can perform additional processing or save the dataset as needed.
By incorporating this approach, you can achieve real-time data reading without the constraints of a static array size declaration, ensuring flexibility and efficiency in your UDP data reception process.