EEGlab in matlab non mi trova fastICA

7 views (last 30 days)
MERY on 5 Apr 2024
Answered: Garmit Pant on 19 Apr 2024
Salve, ho scaricato Matlab per usare il programma eeglab. Quando vado ad inserire la cartella di eeglab tramite il seth pat, con al'interno, nella cartella plugin, la cartella di fastICA (in quanto mi serve per eseguire alcune operazioni), il command window mi dice che è stato aggiunto al path, ma quando guardo nel current folder (colonna a destra), all'interno non trovo fastICA e quindi in un passaggio in cui dovrei selezionare il progamma fastICA non me lo trova.

Answers (1)

Garmit Pant
Garmit Pant on 19 Apr 2024
Greetings MERY
Italian is not my first language, so I will be responding to this query in English. From what I gather, you are working with EEGLAB Toolbox and are trying to use the FastICA” plugin that is available as an external plugin.
Given that you have already downloaded and added EEGLAB toolbox to the path and downloaded the “FastICA” Package for MATLAB, you can follow the following steps to use the “FastICA” plugin:
  • Add the extracted the ‘FastICA_25’ package folder to the “plugins” folder in the EEGLAB folder and add the folders and subfolders to the path.
  • You can use the plugin either by using the GUI or directly from code. The GUI can be launched by the following command:
  • The above command automatically adds all the folders and subfolders in the “plugins” folder to the MATLAB path as well. After loading your EEG data, To compute ICA components of a dataset of EEG epochs (or of a continuous EEGLAB dataset), select Tools → Decompose data by ICA. This calls the function pop_runica. There, select FastICA” algorithm and then after configuring the options, select “OK”.
  • To run the algorithm directly from code, use the following command:
OUT_EEG = pop_runica(EEG, 'icatype', 'fastica');
The above steps will enable you to use the “FastICA” plugin.
For further understanding, I suggest you refer to the following resources:
  1. Refer to the “Which ICA Algorithm” section:
Hope you find the above explanation and suggestions useful!

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