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How do I interpolate and smoothen ndvi time series?
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I have ununiformly distributed noisey ndvi time series. I want to interpolate and smoothen it using matlab. I am attaching the sample ndvi file and request you to please suggest me how to achieve it using matlab. I would appreciate your kind cooperation and help.
John D'Errico
on 19 Apr 2024
Edited: John D'Errico
on 19 Apr 2024
Assuming you mean each row of that table is a distinct time series, sampled as a function of the first row,
The signal to noise ratio appears to be low, at least if you look at any individual series.
The data series are VERY short, which makes it difficult to extract any signal.
There is one data point far away from the rest in x.
At the same time, ALL of those series have a very similar character.
data = readtable('sample_ndvi.csv');
t = table2array(data(1,2:end));
z = table2array(data(2:end,2:end));
xlabel 'Time'
ylabel 'Series'
I've left the time axis as a simple index, since that would just make it all far more dificult to visualize.
The point is, there appears to be a lot of signal, once you look at all of the sereis at once. They all have the same shapes, apparently very noisy. So exactly what smoothing would you want to do?
on 19 Apr 2024
Edited: Devendra
on 19 Apr 2024
Thanks a lot for your suggestions. I want to interpolate the time series over cloudy pixels. Please suggest me how to do interpolation over cloudy pixels. There is a clear dip in the month of august due to cloud. so I want to fill it with neighoubring pixel values.
Accepted Answer
Mathieu NOE
on 22 Apr 2024
so I simply replace the 8th column with NaN and replaced them using fillmissing2
data = readtable('sample_ndvi.csv');
month = table2array(data(1,2:end));
z = table2array(data(2:end,2:end));
% surf(z)
% xlabel 'Time'
% ylabel 'Series'
% replace august (8th col of z) using fill missing
z(:,8) = NaN;
zz = fillmissing2(z,'cubic');
xlabel 'Time'
ylabel 'Series'

on 22 Apr 2024
Thank you very much for your help. It serves my purpose. But I have another case where NaN values are palced scattered. How to interploate over these NaN values? I am attaching the file and request you to please suggest me how to fill NaN values in this file.
Mathieu NOE
on 22 Apr 2024
Edited: Mathieu NOE
on 22 Apr 2024
the fillmissing2 function handles this case without issues
data = readtable('Test_NaN_fill.csv')
data = 18x21 table
Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5 Var6 Var7 Var8 Var9 Var10 Var11 Var12 Var13 Var14 Var15 Var16 Var17 Var18 Var19 Var20 Var21
_________________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
{0x0 char } 2.022e+07 2.022e+07 2.022e+07 2.022e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.023e+07 2.023e+07 2.023e+07 2.023e+07 2.023e+07
{0x0 char } 2.022e+07 2.022e+07 2.022e+07 2.022e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.0221e+07 2.023e+07 2.023e+07 2.023e+07 2.023e+07 2.023e+07
{'BAGHPAT.shp' } NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.57919 NaN NaN NaN 0.58079 0.55945 0.567 0.59541 0.43577
{'BAGHPAT.shp' } NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.57919 NaN NaN NaN 0.58079 0.55945 0.567 0.59541 0.43577
{'Bali.shp' } 0.42776 0.42282 0.44293 0.44103 0.42003 0.4488 0.45565 0.48285 0.43426 0.53449 0.52491 0.52155 NaN 0.47044 0.47355 0.54379 0.52442 0.53578 0.54182 0.47255
{'Bali.shp' } 0.42776 0.42282 0.44293 0.44103 0.42003 0.4488 0.45565 0.48285 0.43426 0.53449 0.52491 0.52155 NaN 0.47044 0.47355 0.54379 0.52442 0.53578 0.54182 0.47255
{'Faizullapur.shp' } 0.41732 NaN 0.42442 0.4252 NaN 0.43723 0.44024 0.46608 0.42663 0.51161 0.48422 0.5215 NaN 0.43098 0.44231 0.51243 0.49729 0.50531 0.50813 0.43763
{'Faizullapur.shp' } 0.41732 NaN 0.42442 0.4252 NaN 0.43723 0.44024 0.46608 0.42663 0.51161 0.48422 0.5215 NaN 0.43098 0.44231 0.51243 0.49729 0.50531 0.50813 0.43763
{'Gandhi_Urf_Gyasri.shp'} 0.41803 0.42586 0.43649 0.44353 NaN 0.44155 0.44126 0.45301 0.42011 0.51484 0.53512 0.53423 0.40837 0.45641 0.45891 0.5148 0.49989 0.50717 0.51661 0.45093
{'Gandhi_Urf_Gyasri.shp'} 0.41803 0.42586 0.43649 0.44353 NaN 0.44155 0.44126 0.45301 0.42011 0.51484 0.53512 0.53423 0.40837 0.45641 0.45891 0.5148 0.49989 0.50717 0.51661 0.45093
{'Kanoli.shp' } 0.42262 0.42636 0.41273 0.40906 NaN 0.43418 0.43915 0.4634 0.43108 0.54004 0.57082 0.5348 NaN 0.46595 0.47865 0.53911 0.51253 0.52782 0.53632 0.47902
{'Kanoli.shp' } 0.42262 0.42636 0.41273 0.40906 NaN 0.43418 0.43915 0.4634 0.43108 0.54004 0.57082 0.5348 NaN 0.46595 0.47865 0.53911 0.51253 0.52782 0.53632 0.47902
{'Kheriki.shp' } 0.41379 0.43573 0.43066 0.41393 NaN 0.44298 0.43735 0.44581 0.40941 0.50032 0.47033 0.52479 NaN 0.44489 0.45295 0.52205 0.50205 0.51063 0.51688 0.43939
{'Kheriki.shp' } 0.41379 0.43573 0.43066 0.41393 NaN 0.44298 0.43735 0.44581 0.40941 0.50032 0.47033 0.52479 NaN 0.44489 0.45295 0.52205 0.50205 0.51063 0.51688 0.43939
{'Meetli.shp' } 0.43394 0.44313 0.4502 0.451 NaN 0.46058 0.45813 0.47756 0.43085 0.52023 0.54378 0.52733 0.41655 0.45888 0.47546 0.54075 0.52637 0.53585 0.54656 0.47659
{'Meetli.shp' } 0.43394 0.44313 0.4502 0.451 NaN 0.46058 0.45813 0.47756 0.43085 0.52023 0.54378 0.52733 0.41655 0.45888 0.47546 0.54075 0.52637 0.53585 0.54656 0.47659
z = table2array(data(3:end,2:end))
z = 16x20
NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.5792 NaN NaN NaN 0.5808 0.5595 0.5670 0.5954 0.4358
NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.5792 NaN NaN NaN 0.5808 0.5595 0.5670 0.5954 0.4358
0.4278 0.4228 0.4429 0.4410 0.4200 0.4488 0.4557 0.4828 0.4343 0.5345 0.5249 0.5216 NaN 0.4704 0.4736 0.5438 0.5244 0.5358 0.5418 0.4725
0.4278 0.4228 0.4429 0.4410 0.4200 0.4488 0.4557 0.4828 0.4343 0.5345 0.5249 0.5216 NaN 0.4704 0.4736 0.5438 0.5244 0.5358 0.5418 0.4725
0.4173 NaN 0.4244 0.4252 NaN 0.4372 0.4402 0.4661 0.4266 0.5116 0.4842 0.5215 NaN 0.4310 0.4423 0.5124 0.4973 0.5053 0.5081 0.4376
0.4173 NaN 0.4244 0.4252 NaN 0.4372 0.4402 0.4661 0.4266 0.5116 0.4842 0.5215 NaN 0.4310 0.4423 0.5124 0.4973 0.5053 0.5081 0.4376
0.4180 0.4259 0.4365 0.4435 NaN 0.4415 0.4413 0.4530 0.4201 0.5148 0.5351 0.5342 0.4084 0.4564 0.4589 0.5148 0.4999 0.5072 0.5166 0.4509
0.4180 0.4259 0.4365 0.4435 NaN 0.4415 0.4413 0.4530 0.4201 0.5148 0.5351 0.5342 0.4084 0.4564 0.4589 0.5148 0.4999 0.5072 0.5166 0.4509
0.4226 0.4264 0.4127 0.4091 NaN 0.4342 0.4392 0.4634 0.4311 0.5400 0.5708 0.5348 NaN 0.4659 0.4786 0.5391 0.5125 0.5278 0.5363 0.4790
0.4226 0.4264 0.4127 0.4091 NaN 0.4342 0.4392 0.4634 0.4311 0.5400 0.5708 0.5348 NaN 0.4659 0.4786 0.5391 0.5125 0.5278 0.5363 0.4790
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
zz = fillmissing2(z,'v4') % need the v4 option to get rid of all NaN's
zz = 16x20
0.3941 0.4086 0.4197 0.4265 0.4327 0.4446 0.4599 0.4755 0.4966 0.5313 0.5642 0.5792 0.5724 0.5617 0.5706 0.5808 0.5595 0.5670 0.5954 0.4358
0.4142 0.4213 0.4322 0.4336 0.4306 0.4443 0.4593 0.4708 0.4755 0.5250 0.5568 0.5792 0.5480 0.5188 0.5340 0.5808 0.5595 0.5670 0.5954 0.4358
0.4278 0.4228 0.4429 0.4410 0.4200 0.4488 0.4557 0.4828 0.4343 0.5345 0.5249 0.5216 0.5076 0.4704 0.4736 0.5438 0.5244 0.5358 0.5418 0.4725
0.4278 0.4228 0.4429 0.4410 0.4200 0.4488 0.4557 0.4828 0.4343 0.5345 0.5249 0.5216 0.4976 0.4704 0.4736 0.5438 0.5244 0.5358 0.5418 0.4725
0.4173 0.4198 0.4244 0.4252 0.4267 0.4372 0.4402 0.4661 0.4266 0.5116 0.4842 0.5215 0.4845 0.4310 0.4423 0.5124 0.4973 0.5053 0.5081 0.4376
0.4173 0.4212 0.4244 0.4252 0.4331 0.4372 0.4402 0.4661 0.4266 0.5116 0.4842 0.5215 0.4609 0.4310 0.4423 0.5124 0.4973 0.5053 0.5081 0.4376
0.4180 0.4259 0.4365 0.4435 0.4439 0.4415 0.4413 0.4530 0.4201 0.5148 0.5351 0.5342 0.4084 0.4564 0.4589 0.5148 0.4999 0.5072 0.5166 0.4509
0.4180 0.4259 0.4365 0.4435 0.4422 0.4415 0.4413 0.4530 0.4201 0.5148 0.5351 0.5342 0.4084 0.4564 0.4589 0.5148 0.4999 0.5072 0.5166 0.4509
0.4226 0.4264 0.4127 0.4091 0.4254 0.4342 0.4392 0.4634 0.4311 0.5400 0.5708 0.5348 0.4695 0.4659 0.4786 0.5391 0.5125 0.5278 0.5363 0.4790
0.4226 0.4264 0.4127 0.4091 0.4220 0.4342 0.4392 0.4634 0.4311 0.5400 0.5708 0.5348 0.4939 0.4659 0.4786 0.5391 0.5125 0.5278 0.5363 0.4790
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
xlabel 'Time'
ylabel 'Series'

% "view" from the top

Mathieu NOE
on 22 Apr 2024
for those who have not access to fillmissing2, there is an alternative on the Fex :
data = readtable('Test_NaN_fill.csv');
z = table2array(data(5:end,2:end));
% zz = fillmissing2(z,'cubic');
zz = inpaintn(z); % FEX :
xlabel 'Time'
ylabel 'Series'
% "view" from the top
Mathieu NOE
on 22 Apr 2024
Edited: Mathieu NOE
on 22 Apr 2024
and you could use also smoothn (remove's NaN's and smooth the data - as it names suggest ! )
data = readtable('Test_NaN_fill.csv');
z = table2array(data(3:end,2:end));
zz = smoothn(z);
xlabel 'Time'
ylabel 'Series'
% "view" from the top
on 22 Apr 2024
Thank you so much for your generous support and help. This is what I was looking for. Only one last thing is to write interpolated data in excel csv file with same header (first and second rows) and same first column (name of shape files) as attached input csv file. I request you to please suggest me how to put this data into a excel csv file similar to attached input file. I really appriciate your kind help.
Mathieu NOE
on 22 Apr 2024
Edited: Mathieu NOE
on 22 Apr 2024
before I do that I have one more suggestion (John would have been unhappy if I had forgotten about his work !!)
data = readtable('Test_NaN_fill.csv');
z = table2array(data(3:end,2:end));
zz = inpaint_nans(z,3);
xlabel 'Time'
ylabel 'Series'
% "view" from the top
Mathieu NOE
on 22 Apr 2024
here's the full code with export to csv file
Maybe you noticed I have made some corrections above in my previous comments , because I was initially only taking rows 5 to end , but the correct rows index is from 3 to end for this csv file.
after this modification, I was surprised to see that fillmissing2 seemed not able to replace some NaN's values on the first lines (boundaries) , whatever the interpolation method I pick amon linear, cubic, natural.
Had to go to "v4" method to get all NaN's replaced. Something I have to remember for the future (or use the alternatives I mentionned above).
data = readtable('Test_NaN_fill.csv');
[m,n] = size(data);
ind_rows = 3:m;
ind_cols = 2:n;
z = table2array(data(ind_rows,ind_cols))
z = 16x20
NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.5792 NaN NaN NaN 0.5808 0.5595 0.5670 0.5954 0.4358
NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.5792 NaN NaN NaN 0.5808 0.5595 0.5670 0.5954 0.4358
0.4278 0.4228 0.4429 0.4410 0.4200 0.4488 0.4557 0.4828 0.4343 0.5345 0.5249 0.5216 NaN 0.4704 0.4736 0.5438 0.5244 0.5358 0.5418 0.4725
0.4278 0.4228 0.4429 0.4410 0.4200 0.4488 0.4557 0.4828 0.4343 0.5345 0.5249 0.5216 NaN 0.4704 0.4736 0.5438 0.5244 0.5358 0.5418 0.4725
0.4173 NaN 0.4244 0.4252 NaN 0.4372 0.4402 0.4661 0.4266 0.5116 0.4842 0.5215 NaN 0.4310 0.4423 0.5124 0.4973 0.5053 0.5081 0.4376
0.4173 NaN 0.4244 0.4252 NaN 0.4372 0.4402 0.4661 0.4266 0.5116 0.4842 0.5215 NaN 0.4310 0.4423 0.5124 0.4973 0.5053 0.5081 0.4376
0.4180 0.4259 0.4365 0.4435 NaN 0.4415 0.4413 0.4530 0.4201 0.5148 0.5351 0.5342 0.4084 0.4564 0.4589 0.5148 0.4999 0.5072 0.5166 0.4509
0.4180 0.4259 0.4365 0.4435 NaN 0.4415 0.4413 0.4530 0.4201 0.5148 0.5351 0.5342 0.4084 0.4564 0.4589 0.5148 0.4999 0.5072 0.5166 0.4509
0.4226 0.4264 0.4127 0.4091 NaN 0.4342 0.4392 0.4634 0.4311 0.5400 0.5708 0.5348 NaN 0.4659 0.4786 0.5391 0.5125 0.5278 0.5363 0.4790
0.4226 0.4264 0.4127 0.4091 NaN 0.4342 0.4392 0.4634 0.4311 0.5400 0.5708 0.5348 NaN 0.4659 0.4786 0.5391 0.5125 0.5278 0.5363 0.4790
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
zz = fillmissing2(z,"cubic") % KO
zz = 16x20
NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.5792 0.5807 0.5783 0.5768 0.5808 0.5595 0.5670 0.5954 0.4358
NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.4974 0.5011 0.5162 0.5255 0.5558 0.5792 0.5259 0.5177 0.5200 0.5808 0.5595 0.5670 0.5954 0.4358
0.4278 0.4228 0.4429 0.4410 0.4200 0.4488 0.4557 0.4828 0.4343 0.5345 0.5249 0.5216 0.4938 0.4704 0.4736 0.5438 0.5244 0.5358 0.5418 0.4725
0.4278 0.4228 0.4429 0.4410 0.4200 0.4488 0.4557 0.4828 0.4343 0.5345 0.5249 0.5216 0.4977 0.4704 0.4736 0.5438 0.5244 0.5358 0.5418 0.4725
0.4173 0.4203 0.4244 0.4252 0.4294 0.4372 0.4402 0.4661 0.4266 0.5116 0.4842 0.5215 0.4797 0.4310 0.4423 0.5124 0.4973 0.5053 0.5081 0.4376
0.4173 0.4211 0.4244 0.4252 0.4316 0.4372 0.4402 0.4661 0.4266 0.5116 0.4842 0.5215 0.4712 0.4310 0.4423 0.5124 0.4973 0.5053 0.5081 0.4376
0.4180 0.4259 0.4365 0.4435 0.4434 0.4415 0.4413 0.4530 0.4201 0.5148 0.5351 0.5342 0.4084 0.4564 0.4589 0.5148 0.4999 0.5072 0.5166 0.4509
0.4180 0.4259 0.4365 0.4435 0.4421 0.4415 0.4413 0.4530 0.4201 0.5148 0.5351 0.5342 0.4084 0.4564 0.4589 0.5148 0.4999 0.5072 0.5166 0.4509
0.4226 0.4264 0.4127 0.4091 0.4203 0.4342 0.4392 0.4634 0.4311 0.5400 0.5708 0.5348 0.4920 0.4659 0.4786 0.5391 0.5125 0.5278 0.5363 0.4790
0.4226 0.4264 0.4127 0.4091 0.4204 0.4342 0.4392 0.4634 0.4311 0.5400 0.5708 0.5348 0.4991 0.4659 0.4786 0.5391 0.5125 0.5278 0.5363 0.4790
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
zz = fillmissing2(z,"v4") % OK
zz = 16x20
0.3941 0.4086 0.4197 0.4265 0.4327 0.4446 0.4599 0.4755 0.4966 0.5313 0.5642 0.5792 0.5724 0.5617 0.5706 0.5808 0.5595 0.5670 0.5954 0.4358
0.4142 0.4213 0.4322 0.4336 0.4306 0.4443 0.4593 0.4708 0.4755 0.5250 0.5568 0.5792 0.5480 0.5188 0.5340 0.5808 0.5595 0.5670 0.5954 0.4358
0.4278 0.4228 0.4429 0.4410 0.4200 0.4488 0.4557 0.4828 0.4343 0.5345 0.5249 0.5216 0.5076 0.4704 0.4736 0.5438 0.5244 0.5358 0.5418 0.4725
0.4278 0.4228 0.4429 0.4410 0.4200 0.4488 0.4557 0.4828 0.4343 0.5345 0.5249 0.5216 0.4976 0.4704 0.4736 0.5438 0.5244 0.5358 0.5418 0.4725
0.4173 0.4198 0.4244 0.4252 0.4267 0.4372 0.4402 0.4661 0.4266 0.5116 0.4842 0.5215 0.4845 0.4310 0.4423 0.5124 0.4973 0.5053 0.5081 0.4376
0.4173 0.4212 0.4244 0.4252 0.4331 0.4372 0.4402 0.4661 0.4266 0.5116 0.4842 0.5215 0.4609 0.4310 0.4423 0.5124 0.4973 0.5053 0.5081 0.4376
0.4180 0.4259 0.4365 0.4435 0.4439 0.4415 0.4413 0.4530 0.4201 0.5148 0.5351 0.5342 0.4084 0.4564 0.4589 0.5148 0.4999 0.5072 0.5166 0.4509
0.4180 0.4259 0.4365 0.4435 0.4422 0.4415 0.4413 0.4530 0.4201 0.5148 0.5351 0.5342 0.4084 0.4564 0.4589 0.5148 0.4999 0.5072 0.5166 0.4509
0.4226 0.4264 0.4127 0.4091 0.4254 0.4342 0.4392 0.4634 0.4311 0.5400 0.5708 0.5348 0.4695 0.4659 0.4786 0.5391 0.5125 0.5278 0.5363 0.4790
0.4226 0.4264 0.4127 0.4091 0.4220 0.4342 0.4392 0.4634 0.4311 0.5400 0.5708 0.5348 0.4939 0.4659 0.4786 0.5391 0.5125 0.5278 0.5363 0.4790
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
xlabel 'Time'
ylabel 'Series'

% "view" from the top

% create new table and save to csv file
out = data;
out{ind_rows,ind_cols} = zz;
writetable(out,"file_out.csv", "WriteVariableNames", 0);
type file_out.csv
on 22 Apr 2024
Thank you very much for your kind help. I am very much thankful to you for your kind cooperation and support.
on 25 Apr 2024
Edited: Devendra
on 25 Apr 2024
May I request you a little more help in the following error;
Actually I have defined the
coordinate_information = struct('map_info', map_info, 'projection_info', projection_info);
I am writing it as follows
fprintf(fid, coordinate_information);
than it is giving following error as follows
Error in custom_enviwrite (line 68)
Error using fprintf
Invalid format.
fprintf(fid, coordinate_information);
I request you to please suggest me how to write it in correct way. I would appreciate your kind cooperation and help.
Mathieu NOE
on 25 Apr 2024
hello again
I am not sure what you are trying to do here - can you explain a bit more ?
do you want to display or store your coordinate_information struct to a file ?
why not export as a cell array using writecell ?
Mathieu NOE
on 25 Apr 2024
I don't know if this is your goal, but if you want to export nicely formated tables to txt files , I have this (a bit old but still working)
see the 2 functions in attachment
results in txt file containing :
COne CTwo CThree CFour CFive
ROne 9.5929E-01 8.4072E-01 3.4998E-01 3.5166E-01 2.8584E-01
RTwo 5.4722E-01 2.5428E-01 1.9660E-01 8.3083E-01 7.5720E-01
RThree 1.3862E-01 8.1428E-01 2.5108E-01 5.8526E-01 7.5373E-01
RFour 1.4929E-01 2.4352E-01 6.1604E-01 5.4972E-01 3.8045E-01
RFive 2.5751E-01 9.2926E-01 4.7329E-01 9.1719E-01 5.6782E-01
%demo code for MyWriteTable
A = rand(5,5);
CHeaders = 'COne CTwo CThree CFour CFive'; % columns headers
RHeaders = 'ROne RTwo RThree RFour RFive'; % rows headers
on 25 Apr 2024
Edited: Devendra
on 25 Apr 2024
I want to store coordinate_information struct to a file. I am using the following matlab line to write
fprintf(fid,'%s \n','interleave = bsq');
% Additional coordinate information
fprintf(fid,'%g \n',coordinate_information); % to write struct coordinate_information to a file.
Please suggest me how do I write it in a file.
Thank you very much for your kind help.
Mathieu NOE
on 25 Apr 2024
ok but I need to have map_info and projection_info (what is in your struct array)
can you share it ? you can save it in a mat file
on 25 Apr 2024
Edited: Devendra
on 25 Apr 2024
coordinate_information = struct('map_info', map_info, 'projection_info', projection_info);
map_info: 'UTM, 0.500000, 0.500000, 699960.000000, 3300000.000000, 10.000000, 10.000000, north, planar, units=Meters'
projection_info: "PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 43N",BASEGEOGCRS["WGS 84",ENSEMBLE["World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble",MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (Transit)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G730)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G873)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1150)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1674)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1762)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G2139)"],ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],ENSEMBLEACCURACY[2.0]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],ID["EPSG",4326]],CONVERSION["UTM zone 43N",METHOD["Transverse Mercator",ID["EPSG",9807]],PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],ID["EPSG",8801]],PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",75,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],ID["EPSG",8802]],PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,SCALEUNIT["unity",1],ID["EPSG",8805]],PARAMETER["False easting",500000,LENGTHUNIT["metre",1],ID["EPSG",8806]],PARAMETER["False northing",0,LENGTHUNIT["metre",1],ID["EPSG",8807]]],CS[Cartesian,2],AXIS["(E)",east,ORDER[1],LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],AXIS["(N)",north,ORDER[2],LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],USAGE[SCOPE["Engineering survey, topographic mapping."],AREA["Between 72°E and 78°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. China. India. Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzstan. Maldives. Pakistan. Russian Federation. Tajikistan."],BBOX[0,72,84,78]],ID["EPSG",32643]]"
Actually I need only following information from above mentioned projection_info:
coordinate system string = {PROJCS["WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_43N",GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",500000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",75.0],PARAMETER["Scale_Factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0]]}
I want to write only above mentioned coordinate system string out of projection_info.
This is the information to be written in the file.
Thanks a lot for helping me.
Mathieu NOE
on 25 Apr 2024
sorry but I am still confused
so "coordinate system string" is comint out of "projection_info" ? I can't find anything in "coordinate system string" that matches with "projection_info"
the final goal is just to write strings (of whatever length ?) to a txt file ?
on 25 Apr 2024
yes please. my final goal is just to write strings (of whatever length ) to a txt file. I request you to please suggest me to write coordinate_information = struct('map_info', map_info, 'projection_info', projection_info); in a txt file.
Mathieu NOE
on 25 Apr 2024
I don't see the need to create a structure here , if the goal is simply to write strings or char arrays to a txt file
see demo code below
the resulting txt file should look like this
map info :
UTM, 0.500000, 0.500000, 699960.000000, 3300000.000000, 10.000000, 10.000000, north, planar, units=Meters
projection info :
"PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 43N",BASEGEOGCRS["WGS 84",ENSEMBLE["World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble",MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (Transit)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G730)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G873)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1150)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1674)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1762)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G2139)"],ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],ENSEMBLEACCURACY[2.0]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],ID["EPSG",4326]],CONVERSION["UTM zone 43N",METHOD["Transverse Mercator",ID["EPSG",9807]],PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],ID["EPSG",8801]],PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",75,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],ID["EPSG",8802]],PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,SCALEUNIT["unity",1],ID["EPSG",8805]],PARAMETER["False easting",500000,LENGTHUNIT["metre",1],ID["EPSG",8806]],PARAMETER["False northing",0,LENGTHUNIT["metre",1],ID["EPSG",8807]]],CS[Cartesian,2],AXIS["(E)",east,ORDER[1],LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],AXIS["(N)",north,ORDER[2],LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],USAGE[SCOPE["Engineering survey, topographic mapping."],AREA["Between 72°E and 78°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. China. India. Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzstan. Maldives. Pakistan. Russian Federation. Tajikistan."],BBOX[0,72,84,78]],ID["EPSG",32643]]"
coordinate system :
code :
% some char or string arrays
map_info = 'UTM, 0.500000, 0.500000, 699960.000000, 3300000.000000, 10.000000, 10.000000, north, planar, units=Meters';
projection_info = '"PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 43N",BASEGEOGCRS["WGS 84",ENSEMBLE["World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble",MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (Transit)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G730)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G873)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1150)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1674)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1762)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G2139)"],ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],ENSEMBLEACCURACY[2.0]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],ID["EPSG",4326]],CONVERSION["UTM zone 43N",METHOD["Transverse Mercator",ID["EPSG",9807]],PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],ID["EPSG",8801]],PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",75,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],ID["EPSG",8802]],PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,SCALEUNIT["unity",1],ID["EPSG",8805]],PARAMETER["False easting",500000,LENGTHUNIT["metre",1],ID["EPSG",8806]],PARAMETER["False northing",0,LENGTHUNIT["metre",1],ID["EPSG",8807]]],CS[Cartesian,2],AXIS["(E)",east,ORDER[1],LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],AXIS["(N)",north,ORDER[2],LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],USAGE[SCOPE["Engineering survey, topographic mapping."],AREA["Between 72°E and 78°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. China. India. Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzstan. Maldives. Pakistan. Russian Federation. Tajikistan."],BBOX[0,72,84,78]],ID["EPSG",32643]]"';
coordinate_system_string = '{PROJCS["WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_43N",GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",500000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",75.0],PARAMETER["Scale_Factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0]]}';
% Let's say you have a cell array of strings
listOfStrings = {'-------';'map info : ';map_info;'-------';'projection info : '; projection_info;'-------';'coordinate system : '; coordinate_system_string};
% Open a new text file for writing
fileID = fopen('output.txt', 'w');
% Check if the file was opened successfully
if fileID == -1
error('File could not be opened.');
% Write each string in the cell array to the file on a new line
for i = 1:length(listOfStrings)
fprintf(fileID, '%s\n', listOfStrings{i});
% Close the file
on 25 Apr 2024
Thank you very much for your generous and kind help. It worked well.
on 25 Apr 2024
Edited: Devendra
on 25 Apr 2024
There is a little issue in writing the header files. I am attaching two header files one is created by MATLAB code and second is generated by ENVI. When I open the header file created by MATLAB code in ENVI software a portion of it gets deleted. I am attaching that header file also. What I observed that map info and projection info are in { } brackets for the header file created by ENVI software while the header file created by MATLAB code are not in { }. probably that may be the reason I am still not sure. The header file created by MATLAB is 20210203T053029_6Bands.hdr while header file created by ENVI software is ENVI_header_file
while a portion of header file deleted is 20210119T053141_6Bands.
I request you to please have a look on these files and suggest me how to produce the header file similar to ENVI generated header file.
Thank you very much for your help.
Mathieu NOE
on 25 Apr 2024
ok, I believe I understand the problem
so I start with the same 3 strings that do not have any {} brackets , then I add them (around so to say) , then I export to txt file
this is how the result looks like on y side :
result :
map info =
{UTM, 0.500000, 0.500000, 699960.000000, 3300000.000000, 10.000000, 10.000000, north, planar, units=Meters}
projection info =
{PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 43N",BASEGEOGCRS["WGS 84",ENSEMBLE["World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble",MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (Transit)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G730)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G873)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1150)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1674)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1762)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G2139)"],ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],ENSEMBLEACCURACY[2.0]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],ID["EPSG",4326]],CONVERSION["UTM zone 43N",METHOD["Transverse Mercator",ID["EPSG",9807]],PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],ID["EPSG",8801]],PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",75,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],ID["EPSG",8802]],PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,SCALEUNIT["unity",1],ID["EPSG",8805]],PARAMETER["False easting",500000,LENGTHUNIT["metre",1],ID["EPSG",8806]],PARAMETER["False northing",0,LENGTHUNIT["metre",1],ID["EPSG",8807]]],CS[Cartesian,2],AXIS["(E)",east,ORDER[1],LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],AXIS["(N)",north,ORDER[2],LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],USAGE[SCOPE["Engineering survey, topographic mapping."],AREA["Between 72°E and 78°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. China. India. Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzstan. Maldives. Pakistan. Russian Federation. Tajikistan."],BBOX[0,72,84,78]],ID["EPSG",32643]]}
coordinate system =
% some char or string arrays (assuming without {})
map_info = 'UTM, 0.500000, 0.500000, 699960.000000, 3300000.000000, 10.000000, 10.000000, north, planar, units=Meters';
projection_info = 'PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 43N",BASEGEOGCRS["WGS 84",ENSEMBLE["World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble",MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (Transit)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G730)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G873)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1150)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1674)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G1762)"],MEMBER["World Geodetic System 1984 (G2139)"],ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],ENSEMBLEACCURACY[2.0]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],ID["EPSG",4326]],CONVERSION["UTM zone 43N",METHOD["Transverse Mercator",ID["EPSG",9807]],PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],ID["EPSG",8801]],PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",75,ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],ID["EPSG",8802]],PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,SCALEUNIT["unity",1],ID["EPSG",8805]],PARAMETER["False easting",500000,LENGTHUNIT["metre",1],ID["EPSG",8806]],PARAMETER["False northing",0,LENGTHUNIT["metre",1],ID["EPSG",8807]]],CS[Cartesian,2],AXIS["(E)",east,ORDER[1],LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],AXIS["(N)",north,ORDER[2],LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]],USAGE[SCOPE["Engineering survey, topographic mapping."],AREA["Between 72°E and 78°E, northern hemisphere between equator and 84°N, onshore and offshore. China. India. Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzstan. Maldives. Pakistan. Russian Federation. Tajikistan."],BBOX[0,72,84,78]],ID["EPSG",32643]]';
coordinate_system_string = 'PROJCS["WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_43N",GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",500000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",75.0],PARAMETER["Scale_Factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0]]';
% Let's say you have a cell array of strings
% and also I add the {} around each string
listOfStrings = {'-------';'map info = ';['{' map_info '}'];'-------';'projection info = '; ['{' projection_info '}'];'-------';'coordinate system = '; ['{' coordinate_system_string '}']};
% Open a new text file for writing
fileID = fopen('output.txt', 'w');
% Check if the file was opened successfully
if fileID == -1
error('File could not be opened.');
% Write each string in the cell array to the file on a new line
for i = 1:length(listOfStrings)
fprintf(fileID, '%s\n', listOfStrings{i});
% Close the file
on 28 Apr 2024
Edited: gauri
on 28 Apr 2024
I have a MATLAB code for the computation of following phenology parameters;
•Start of season (SOS): the date of growth start and crop emergence
•Peak of season (POS): the date of the maximum NDVI value in the time series
•End of season (EOS): the date of the harvesting and chlorophyll ab- sence
•POS value: maximum NDVI value in the time series
•Peaks: number of local maximas
•Average sum: sum of average NDVI values in the time series
•Maximum sum: sum of maximum NDVI values in the time series
•Base: the range between minimum and maximum NDVI
•First half: duration of green-up in days between SOS and POS
•Second half: duration of senescence in days between POS and EOS
•Growth rate: gradient between SOS and POS
•Senescence rate: gradient between POS and EOS
However, I have also put threshold values which are creating problem and code is not executed over entire file. What I wanted is to get rid of these constraints and put some alternative to these constraints.
I want to modify the code for the following things without any numerical values constraints;
First minima before first maxima as SOS
First highest maxima as POS and its value is POS value
Last minima after first maxima and second maxima as EOS OR first minima from the end of NDVI series
Number of peaks are first maxima and may be second maxima
I am attaching MATLAB code and request you to please have a look on it and suggest me how to modify the code for the incorporation of above mentioned conditions.
I would appreciate your kind cooperation and your kind help.
Mathieu NOE
on 29 Apr 2024
hello @gauri
it's better not to mix several topics in the same post
by posting seperately you also increases the number of views and potential answers
I'll have a look in the next days , but to work on your code I need some input data (csv file)
all the best
on 29 Apr 2024
Thank you so much for your kind reply and suggestion. I will keep in mind to post seperately any further questions. However, I am attaching the NDVI file on which I have been working and request you to please have a look on code and data and suggest me how to make code workable over attached ndvi file.
I would be highly obliged to you for your kind help.
Mathieu NOE
on 29 Apr 2024
I tried quickly your code but it shows errors on dates
Error in test_phenology2 (line 13)
gdt = datetime(dates,"ConvertFrom","yyyymmdd") % Gregorian
seems the csv file you provided dos not contain any data / info related to dates :

on 29 Apr 2024
I am sorry for my mistake. I am attaching the ndvi file with date as header.
Mathieu NOE
on 29 Apr 2024
hello again
with the provided csv file , I have an error occuring at the 4th iteration of the for loop
Unable to perform assignment because the indices on the left side are not compatible with the size of the right side.
Error in test_phenology (line 59)
phenology_params(i, :) = [sos,pos,eos,...
this is due to findpeaks returning empty output
[pks, locs, ~, prominences] = findpeaks(location_data, 'MinPeakProminence', 0.1, 'MinPeakHeight', 0.5, 'MinPeakDistance', 5);
the corresponding data plot looks like

I need to understand how did you choose the findpeaks parameters and what for ?
what is the target of your code ?
Mathieu NOE
on 29 Apr 2024
if I plot all your data (using imagesc)
we can see either you have one peak (per location) or you have multiple similar amplitude peaks - like in the prevoius comment
what are we supposed to do in that case ?

on 29 Apr 2024
Edited: gauri
on 30 Apr 2024
My target is to extract 3 dates and number of peaks;
First date is SOS(start of season) first minima just before the first maxima
Second date is POS (peak of season) first maxima just after the first minima and POS value is the NDVI value of first maxima
Third date is EOS(end of season) last minima after all maximas (peaks)
Number of peaks : Generally there are two peaks; first peak is first maxima and second peak is second maxima which is seperated by at least 4 to 5 dates in NDVI series.
I hope this will help.
Thanks for your kind help.
Mathieu NOE
on 2 May 2024
hello again
I looked at all you data , but this file (Sample_ndvi.csv) shows man time curves that are not evident to analyse and will probably fail to go through the tests / criteria you have defined ;
I suppose that "good" curves are when we have two well shaped peaks . Then what do we do in case it's very different ?
on 3 May 2024
Edited: gauri
on 3 May 2024
Thanks a lot for your valuable observations. I have been now trying to include cloudy images also and interpolating them by using HANTS MATLAB application. I hope this will produce well defined two peaks in my NDVI data. I will request you once again after getting HANTS interpolated NDVI data covering full period of 13 months(two images per months). Now you may please close it for a while.
Once again I am grateful to you for your kind help.
on 4 May 2024
HANTS MATLAB application is not working on my data due to some defined parameters. I have 26 georeferenced ENVI format satellite image data over a period of 13 months (two image per months). Most of them are clear sky images. However, few of them due to monsson season are cloudy images specially in the month of july, august and september (middle of year). I want to interpolate and smoothen these cloudy images. May I request you to please suggest me how to do it or if you can please provide me some matlab code to do it? I would be highly obliged to you.
The size of images are 1350,1153,7(lines,samples,bands)
Looking forward for your kind suggestions.
Mathieu NOE
on 6 May 2024
I can try to do something , but you have to find a way to share the images
More Answers (1)
on 7 May 2024
I am pasting the link for data. Please get the data from this link.
Mathieu NOE
on 13 May 2024
I have downloaded the files , but how do you load these files in the workspace ?
are you using the Image Toolbox ? Identify Vegetation Regions Using Interactive NDVI Thresholding - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks France
on 13 May 2024
I read these files using code as follows;
d='C:\works\' % your directory
files = dir(fullfile(d, '*.dat'));
% Preallocate a 3D matrix to hold the data
stacked_image = zeros(numFiles, 1315, 1153);
numFiles = length(files);
for i = 1:numFiles;
% Read each file
img = hypercube(files(i).name);
% convert integer numbers into real numbers
data = single(img.DataCube);
red = data(:,:,2); % red band
nir = data(:,:,6); % near infrared band
ndvi = (nir - red) ./ (nir + red);
% Stack the image
stacked_image(i, :, :) = ndvi
I hope it will help to read these files.
Thanks for your kind help.
Mathieu NOE
on 14 May 2024
hello again
that is my trouble, you're using hypercube from the image processing toolbox (I don't have)
maybe you could run your code and save stacked_image array in a mat file and share this one (maybe very big )
Mathieu NOE
on 14 May 2024
hmmm, it says could not access server , try later ...
does it work on your side ?
on 14 May 2024
I am again sending the link as follows;
I request you to please check this link.
Mathieu NOE
on 14 May 2024
so this is a first trial
idea was to replace "bad" images with nans then interpolate the 3D array using either one of these Fex submissions :
for the time being I did a manual selection of which images needed to be interpolated , but maybe a smarter approach is doable
the selection is based on the mean value of each image, we can see the drop in this curve
so we have 24 mean values and the graph looks like :

so I decided I wanted to interpolate image 7, 10,11 and 18
once we have corrected (interpolated) the images, we get a new mean curve :

full code :
[m,n,p] = size(stacked_image);
mi = min(stacked_image,[],'all');
ma = max(stacked_image,[],'all');
x_axis = (1:m); % 12 months = 24 images
%% step1 : plot the raw data
for ck = 1:m
data2D = squeeze(stacked_image(ck,:,:));
data2Dmean(ck) = mean(data2D,'all','omitnan');
caxis([mi ma]);
% mean 2D raw data plot
%% step 2 : identify images to be interpolated
ind = [7 10 11 18];% selected image to correct :
stacked_image2 = stacked_image;
stacked_image2(ind,:,:) = NaN;
% now do interpolation on selected images
% faster :
stacked_image2=inpaint_nans3(stacked_image2,1); % see Fex :
% slower :
% stacked_image2=inpaintn(stacked_image2); % see Fex :
for ck = 1:m
data2D = squeeze(stacked_image2(ck,:,:));
data2Dmean(ck) = mean(data2D,'all','omitnan');
caxis([mi ma]);
% mean 2D interpolated data plot
Mathieu NOE
on 15 May 2024
hello again
yes you can now save stacked_image2 as final data (as mat file)
I tried to find a solution for the automatic detection of cloudy image , based on the ratio of mean and std values
seems to work but may be tweaked in other situations
you need the attached function () to run it
new code :
[m,n,p] = size(stacked_image);
mi = min(stacked_image,[],'all');
ma = max(stacked_image,[],'all');
x_axis = (1:m); % 12 months = 24 images
%% step1 : plot the raw data
for ck = 1:m
data2D = squeeze(stacked_image(ck,:,:));
% figure(ck)
% imagesc(data2D);
% caxis([mi ma]);
% colorbar('vert');
data2Dmean(ck) = mean(data2D,'all','omitnan');
data2Dstd(ck) = std(data2D,1,'all','omitnan');
% normalise mean and std values
data2Dmean = data2Dmean./max(data2Dmean);
data2Dstd = data2Dstd./max(data2Dstd);
r = abs(data2Dstd./data2Dmean); % ratio std over mean
% mean 2D raw data plot
N = m/4; % N must be choosen >= number of consecutive cloudy images (assumed) + 1
[down] = env_secant(x_axis,r, N, 'bottom');
% figure
% plot(x_axis,r,'-*',x_axis,down,'-*');
% selected indices (one year)
ind = find(r>1.5*down); % selected image to correct (down = threshold curve)
%% step 2 : identify images to be interpolated
% ind = [7 10 11 18];% selected image to correct :
stacked_image2 = stacked_image;
stacked_image2(ind,:,:) = NaN;
% now do interpolation on selected images
% faster :
stacked_image2=inpaint_nans3(stacked_image2,1); % see Fex :
% slower :
% stacked_image2=inpaintn(stacked_image2); % see Fex :
for ck = 1:m
data2D = squeeze(stacked_image2(ck,:,:));
data2Dmean(ck) = mean(data2D,'all','omitnan');
caxis([mi ma]);
% mean 2D interpolated data plot
on 15 May 2024
I have tried it and following errors have occured;
Error using assert
Parameter <y_data> has to be of vector type, holding finite numeric values!
Error in env_secant (line 25)
assert( isvector(y_data) && isnumeric(y_data) && all( isfinite( y_data ) ), ...
Error in ndvi_smooth (line 61)
[down] = env_secant(x_axis,r, N, 'bottom');
I request to please suggest me how to fix it.
Mathieu NOE
on 15 May 2024
hello again
did that occur with the same mat file ? (ndvi.mat) or is with another set of files ?
on 15 May 2024
This occured on a different set of files. I can save it in mat file and put on a google drive if required.
on 15 May 2024
I have put this another set of file (new_ndvi.mat) on following link;
I request you to please have a look on it.
Mathieu NOE
on 15 May 2024
yes the problem comes from stacked_image is organized differently in the two provided mat file
ndvi.mat : stacked_image 24x1315x1153
new_ndvi.mat : stacked_image 1315x1153x24
so I had to change the way to index the data vs the image number , like
ndvi.mat : data2D = squeeze(stacked_image(ck,:,:));
new_ndvi.mat : data2D = squeeze(stacked_image(:,:,ck));
updated code :
(I have come back to te manual selection of images as my method is not yet robust enough)
close all
load('new_ndvi.mat') % OK
[m,n,p] = size(stacked_image);
mi = min(stacked_image,[],'all');
ma = max(stacked_image,[],'all');
x_axis = (1:p); % 12 months = 24 images
%% step1 : plot the raw data
for ck = 1:p
data2D = squeeze(stacked_image(:,:,ck));
caxis([mi ma]);
data2Dmean(ck) = mean(data2D,'all','omitnan');
data2Dstd(ck) = std(data2D,1,'all','omitnan');
%% step 2 : identify images to be interpolated
ind = [6];% selected image to correct :
% ind = [6 7 9 10];% selected image to correct :
stacked_image2 = stacked_image;
stacked_image2(:,:,ind) = NaN;
% now do interpolation on selected images
% faster :
stacked_image2=inpaint_nans3(stacked_image2,1); % see Fex :
% slower :
% stacked_image2=inpaintn(stacked_image2); % see Fex :
for ck = 1:m
data2D = squeeze(stacked_image2(:,:,ck));
data2Dmean(ck) = mean(data2D,'all','omitnan');
caxis([mi ma]);
% mean 2D interpolated data plot
on 16 May 2024
Thanks a lot for your kind cooperation. It worked well. I will keep the dimensions of stacked_image unchanged.
I appreciate your kind help.
on 17 May 2024
Thank you very much for your help. Further, once again I need your help to retrieve the data using shape file as follows;
mask = reshape(isinterior(polygon, lon(:), lat(:)), [length(lat), length(lon)]);
% Convert the logical mask to uint16 format
maskConverted = uint16(mask);
% Apply the converted mask to the raster
imgMasked = img .* maskConverted;
The size of imgMasked are same as that of img(5490 5490 7). However, it contains non zero data over shape file area and rest of the data are zeros only. I wanted to retrieve non zeros data out of imgMasked with the size of (1153 1315 7) as size of the shape file. I request you to please suggest me how to retrieve the desired data.
I would be highly obliged to you.
on 17 May 2024
Thank you very much for your generous support. This is the link for imgMasked.mat file;
Mathieu NOE
on 21 May 2024
I believe the new size should be (1315 x 1153 x 7) and not (1153 x 1315 x 7) if you want to keep only the non zero elements
the code to crop the image is simple :
imgMasked2 = imgMasked(1:1315,1:1153,:);
on 21 May 2024
Thanks for your kind suggestions. Actually it worked but it is giving some zero values also in last few lines. Therefore, dimensions may be little bit different then 1315 x 1153 x 7. I request you to please suggest me how to figure out the actual dimensions of imgMasked non zero values.
I appreciate your kind help and cooperation.
Mathieu NOE
on 21 May 2024
try this instead :
[m,n,p] = size(imgMasked);
m1 = find(mean(imgMasked(:,:,1),1)<eps,1,'first') - 1;
m2 = find(mean(imgMasked(:,:,1),2)<eps,1,'first') - 1;
imgMasked2 = imgMasked(1:m2,1:m1,:);
on 21 May 2024
Thank you very much for your help. I am using it as follows
% Generate a mask by testing if the raster's geographic grid points are inside the polygon
mask = reshape(isinterior(polygon, lon(:), lat(:)), [length(lat), length(lon)]);
% Convert the logical mask to uint16 format
maskConverted = uint16(mask);
% Apply the converted mask to the raster
imgMasked = stacked_layer .* maskConverted;
[m, n, p] = size(imgMasked);
m1 = find(mean(imgMasked(:,:,1),1)<eps,1,'first') - 1;
m2 = find(mean(imgMasked(:,:,1),2)<eps,1,'first') - 1;
imgMasked2 = imgMasked(1:m2,1:m1,:);
it is showing 0x0x7 dimensions. I request you to please suggest me how to fix it.
Mathieu NOE
on 22 May 2024
is it the exact same imgMasked data that I got from you or are you using another data set ?
if not, can you share again the data ?
on 22 May 2024
It is a different file but generated with same procedure. The link for this file is as follows;
Thank you so much for your help.
Mathieu NOE
on 22 May 2024
ok I understand now why I would not work , here a more robust approach - tested on both data sets
m1 = (mean(imgMasked(:,:,1),1)>eps);
m2 = (mean(imgMasked(:,:,1),2)>eps);
imgMasked2 = imgMasked(m2,m1,:);
on 13 Jun 2024
I have requested matlab community on my out of memory issue in my matlab code. I request you to please have a look on my question on the following link;
I would be highly obliged to you for your kind cooperation and help.
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