You can decode a JSON file in MATLAB, manipulate or format the data as required, and then save it in a MAT file. MATLAB provides built-in functions for working with JSON and MAT files.
Here's a step-by-step guide and sample code to achieve this:
- Read JSON File: Use the jsondecode function to read and decode the JSON file.
- Manipulate or Format Data: Perform any necessary data manipulation or formatting.
- Save in MAT Format: Use the save function to save the data in a MAT file.
The required JSON data is provided in a file named example.txt, attached to this answer. Due to the limitations of this platform, it's not possible to directly share files in the JSON format. Before utilizing this file in the following or any MATLAB script, please ensure you rename it from example.txt to example.json.
With the following script you can read it and save in MAT format:
jsonText = fileread('example.json');
jsonData = jsondecode(jsonText);
jsonData.newField = 'New Data';
save('modifiedData.mat', 'jsonData');
You can later retrieve the data and this is how it looks like:
Hope it helps!