How do I find the phase for a periodic cos wave using fft?

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I have a simple cos wave that has a period, in this case 6. I am offsetting the wave by an angular amount with phase. How can I use the fft function to recover back my initial phase offset? I tried converting the fourier transformed value with the highest amplitude using abs (which does correclty identify the period) back to a phase using angle, but this never seems to work. If someone could enlighten me as to how to do this, I would be so grateful! (Edit: I would like to see how to correctly recover the original period as well)
n = 1e3;
a = linspace(0, 2*pi, n);
period = 6;
phase = rand * 2*pi;
f = rescale(cos((a-phase)*pr));
Noam A
Noam A on 28 Jun 2024
Thanks for the response! I see in the link you posted that you are using methods other than fft, which is interesting. I could devise other methods as well, but I am trying to learn fft and I would like to use it in this particular scenario, and it seems well within the scope of what fft is capable of solving.
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 28 Jun 2024
NB that in the other post, the author also wanted to use fft, but did not really succeed

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Accepted Answer

David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson on 28 Jun 2024
Edited: David Goodmanson on 28 Jun 2024
Hi Noam,
here is a version using time and frequency in the usual manner. A couple of ponts here. If you construct a grid as you do with linspace, the cosine will end up having value 0 at the first and last array point. But that does not give a satisfactory result. The array needs to fall one point short at the top end, so that if you think of a set of windows side by side, cos=0 falls into the first point of the next window up. Then the wave is periodic in the desired manner.
In the argument of cosine, the phase is a separate entity and stands apart from multiplication by any factor.
The phase here is set into the equivalent range -pi<= phi<= pi for direct comparison to the angle function.
After using fftshift (which shifts the point corresponding to f=0 to the center of the array; you need to construct a frequency array that matches), positive freq +6 corresponds to array index 507 and negative freq -6 corresponds to array index 495. Since
cos(2*pi*f0*t+phi) = (1/2)*e^(i*(2*pi*f0*t+phi)) + (1/2)*e^(-i*(2*pi*f0*t+phi))
the phase of the positive frequency peak is the same as the orignal phase and the the phase of the negative frequency peak comes in with a minus sign.
n = 1e3;
t = ((0:n-1)/n);
f0 = 6;
phi = -.3
y = cos(2*pi*f0*t + phi);
grid on
f = (-n/2:n/2-1);
z = fftshift(fft(y)/n);
grid on
xlim([-20 20])
ind2 = max(find(abs(z)>.4)) % find the array index of the positive freq peak
phi2 = angle(z(ind2))
t0 = -phi2/(2*pi*f0) % since cos peak occurs when (2*pi*f0*t0 + phi) = 0
David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson on 28 Jun 2024
Edited: David Goodmanson on 28 Jun 2024
Hi Noam,
I modified the answer to show the time t0 at which the peak occurs. The example has phi = -.3.
The peak in the cos function occurs at the time when its argument = 0. So
2*pi*f0*t0 + phi = 0
and you can then determine t0. The result is t0 = .008 and if you zoom in on the plot in figure 1, that's where the peak is.
Noam A
Noam A on 1 Jul 2024
Edited: Noam A on 3 Jul 2024
Hi David! I finally had some time to get back to this, and your method totally works for my data now!!
Thank you so much! I had to do some translation because my original data is not a time series but actual angular firing. But using your methods I am now successfully recovering the phase!!
Thank you again : )

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