Hi 高木 範明,
Is this what you are looking for.
% Define the implicit function f(x,y) = a
syms x y a
f = x^5 + x^4*y + x^3*y^2 + x^2*y^3 + x*y^4 + y^5 - a;
% Define the 3-dimensional surface g(x,y) = z
g = x^5 + x*y + y^5;
% Find the intersection curve of f(x,y) = a and g(x,y) = z
curve = fimplicit3(f - 10, [0 10 0 10 0 10]);
hold on
% Find points where dz/dx = 0 and dz/dy = 0 on the curve
[x_sol, y_sol] = solve([diff(g, x) == 0, diff(g, y) == 0], [x, y]);
% Plot the final result
scatter(x_sol, y_sol, 'filled', 'r');
title('Intersection Points on the Curve');
legend('Intersection Curve', 'Intersection Points', 'Location', 'Best');
Note: I will ignore the warning message that appears after executing code for now.
Please see attached plot.