SOLOV2 Validation Loss Warning
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I'm attempting to deploy a SOLOV2 instance segmentation network, but am encountering a pretty lengthy warning/error about validation metrics during trainging (see the full warning at the end of my message). As a result, the validation loss will not plot along side training loss during a training stage. I believe this warning arises from the way I prepared my training data, but to the best of my knowledge, its alligned with what is presented here:
I've succesfully deployed a Mask RCNN model in the past, which seems to require the same training data format, but perhaps I am overlooking something. Below is a exerpt of my combined data store (RGB image, boxes, box labels, and binary masks):
Warning: Error occurred while executing the listener callback for event IterationEnd defined for class images.dltrain.internal.SerialTrainer:
Undefined function 'finddim' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
Error in images.dltrain.internal.LossMetricAdapter/update (line 26)
dim = finddim(Yexample,'B');
Error in images.dltrain.internal.MetricLogger/evaluateValidationMetrics (line 252)
self.Metrics{idx} = update(metric,outputs{:},targets{:});
Error in images.dltrain.internal.MetricLogger/evaluateMetrics (line 187)
logEntry = evaluateValidationMetrics(self,evtData,logEntry);
Error in images.dltrain.internal.dltrain>@(~,evtData)logger.evaluateMetrics(evtData) (line 59)
addlistener(networkTrainer,'IterationEnd',@(~,evtData) logger.evaluateMetrics(evtData));
Error in images.dltrain.internal.SerialTrainer/fit (line 97)
Error in images.dltrain.internal.dltrain (line 114)
net = fit(networkTrainer);
Error in trainSOLOV2 (line 164)
[network,info] = images.dltrain.internal.dltrain(mbqTrain,network,options,lossFcn,metrics,'Loss',
Error in SOLOTraining (line 77)
[detector, info] = trainSOLOV2(trainingData, pretrainedNet, options);
> In images.dltrain.internal/SerialTrainer/fit (line 97)
In images.dltrain.internal.dltrain (line 114)
In trainSOLOV2 (line 164)
In SOLOTraining (line 77)
I can provide code if necessary, but I would like to see if anyone has encountered this problem and, if so, what have they done to fix it.
Thank you,
Answers (1)
on 2 Sep 2024
I understand that you are not able to get the plot for validation loss due to the error mentioned. Please refer to the below mentioned link, which has a similar example in training a SOLOv2 model.
You can also open the example using the command below.
This code has input data format same as mentioned in the question.
I have executed the code and I am able to obtain train and validation loss plots. Hope this will help resolve the issue.
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