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Is it possible to remove 2-3 endmember spectral lines from a spectral plot, and how?

61 views (last 30 days)
I plotted a spectral plot of 9 endmembers, from this I need to remove spectral lines 2, 4 and 5 or select other lines.
Anju on 11 Sep 2024 at 15:45
These are the endmembers of a hyperspectral image. By using an endmember extraction algorithm like nfinder, PPI, etc., we extracted the endmembers. It is unable to select the endmembers according to our requirements during the plotting process. The spectral plot shown above is the output generated. Is it possible to remove 2 or 3 lines from this?
Shivam on 11 Sep 2024 at 16:21
If you can provide requirements which decides the spectral plot along with the script and data you are using, we would be able to assist.

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Accepted Answer

Vinayak Choyyan
Vinayak Choyyan on 12 Sep 2024 at 3:45
Edited: Vinayak Choyyan on 12 Sep 2024 at 3:49
Hi Anju,
I assume your code currently looks something like this
hcube = hypercube('paviaU.hdr');% your data here
endmembers = fippi(hcube.DataCube,8);%find 8 end member signatures using fippi
legendNames=["Endmember 1","Endmember 2","Endmember 3","Endmember 4","Endmember 5","Endmember 6","Endmember 7","Endmember 8"];
plot(endmembers)%plot the 8 end member signatures.
xlabel('Band Number')
ylabel('Pixel Values')
ylim([0 9000])
If your goal is the just remove a few predetermined endmember signatures, then you can simply delete them from the signature array like so:
hcube = hypercube('paviaU.hdr');% your data here
endmembers = fippi(hcube.DataCube,8);%find 8 end member signatures using fippi
legendNames=["Endmember 1","Endmember 2","Endmember 3","Endmember 4","Endmember 5","Endmember 6","Endmember 7","Endmember 8"];
%remove predetermined signatures, here signature 2, 4 5
plot(endmembers)%plot the remaining end member signatures.
xlabel('Band Number')
ylabel('Pixel Values')
ylim([0 9000])
Hope this helps. You will need the Hyperspectral Imaging Library for Image Processing Toolbox to use functions like hypercube and fippi I used in the above example.

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