Need to get matlab to display the continuous time transfer function

4 views (last 30 days)
% (b)
% state variable model
A = [1 3 0; -3 0 7; -5 -4 -8];
B = [-1; 0; 1];
C = [1 0 0];
D = 0;
% get numerator & denominator of transfer function using ss2tf
[num, den] = ss2tf(A,B,C,D);
% converting numerator & denominator to transfer function
system = tf(num,den)
system = -s^2 - 8 s - 7 ------------------------ s^3 + 7 s^2 + 29 s + 149 Continuous-time transfer function.
That is my code. Everything works [as] I get the right numerator and denominator.
The problem is the comman window won't display the transfer function and yes, I have the [Control System Toolbox] installed.

Accepted Answer

Les Beckham
Les Beckham on 12 Sep 2024
Edited: Les Beckham on 12 Sep 2024
Please explain exactly what the problem is. You need the Control System toolbox, not the "command tool box", whatever that is.
A = [1 3 0; -3 0 7; -5 -4 -8];
B = [-1; 0; 1];
C = [1 0 0];
D = 0;
%get numerator & denominator of transfer function using ss2tf
[num, den] = ss2tf(A,B,C,D);
%converting numerator & denominator to transfer function
system = tf(num,den);
system = -s^2 - 8 s - 7 ------------------------ s^3 + 7 s^2 + 29 s + 149 Continuous-time transfer function.
which display(system)
/MATLAB/toolbox/control/ctrlmodels/@tf/display.m % tf method

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