Functions not found by application compiler

2 views (last 30 days)
I am creating new features in a long term standalone app, add after working on a .mlapp file that was already added to the app, the application compiler now misses or cannot find core functions like getdatasources, meaning that the whole app now no longer functions. I have not yet tried removing the addedd .mlapps because I would prefer to consult others before taking that drastic step.
I have added a screen capture of the packing log below.
Furthermore, I haven't usd this forum before so I'll add in as much extra info as I can if requested

Answers (1)

Tushar Sharma
Tushar Sharma on 28 Oct 2024
Hi Tobias,
You might be seeing these warnings if your deployed application uses an unsupported function. MATLAB Compiler does not support deploying all built-in functions, and using an unsupported function can cause the application to malfunction.
Ensure that you are not using any unsupported functions or Toolbox functionality in your deployed application. Refer to the following resources for a complete list of unsupported functions:
  1. Commonly used built-in functions which cannot be deployed:
  2. MATLAB Compiler support by toolbox:
If you see warnings about functions even though you are not directly invoking them in your code, please contact MathWorks Technical Support:


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