Plot function never works on Ubuntu
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I am trying to run a plot function to get some figures but eventhough it does show up, it isn' t showing anything.
For example the below doesn't give me a figure.
x = 0:pi/100:2*pi;
y = sin(x);
Steven Lord
on 18 Oct 2024
When you say "doesn't give me a figure", can you clarify exactly what you mean?
Do you mean that no figure window opens up? If the answer is yes, does this open up a figure window? Can you show us what this command displays in the Command Window? Yes, leave off the semicolon because I want to see what's in the variable f.
f = figure
Also please show the output of this command.
Do you mean that a figure window opens up, but no axes appears in the figure? If yes, what does this command display?
ax = axes
Do you mean that a figure opens up with an axes on it, but nothing appears on the axes? If yes, show the output of this command.
h = line(1:10, 1:10)
The output of these commands may also be useful.
info = rendererinfo
Answers (1)
Sandeep Mishra
on 26 Nov 2024
Hi Özgür, I understand that you are experiencing issue while using the 'plot' function to generate a 'figure' in MATLAB 2024b on Ubuntu OS.
To resolve the issue, you can refer any of the following work arounds:
1. Create a file named ‘java.opts’ in the directory where MATLAB is executed (e.g., /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b/bin/glnxa64) and include the following line:
2. Run MATLAB using the following command in the terminal to override the graphics driver:
3. Launch MATLAB with software OpenGL by using the following command:
matlab -softwareopengl
4. Turn off anti-aliasing for figures by setting the 'GraphicsSmoothing' property of the figure to 'off':
set(gcf, 'GraphicsSmoothing', 'off');
You can also refer to the following MATLAB Answer to learn more about the workarounds:
For more information, refer to the following MathWorks Documentation to learn about ‘Resolving Low-Level Graphics Issues’:
I hope this helps you in resolving the issue!
See Also
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