There are two methods to enable characteristic visibility in Control System Toolbox charts.
1) After creating the chart, you can right click on a chart axes to open a context menu. In this menu, hover over the "Characteristics" option to open its submenu. You can then click on the desired characteristic option to make it visible.
2) Starting in R2024b, you can enable characteristic visibility via the chart API. The Characteristics property of the chart will list all of the available characteristics. Each characteristic has a Visible property which you can enable.
sp.Characteristics.PeakResponse.Visible = true;
That being said, your question seems to ask about both the StepPlot chart and the RLocusPlot chart.
The StepPlot chart has PeakResponse, RiseTime, SettlingTime, TransientTime, SteadyState, and ConfidenceRegion (if you are using a System Identification Toolbox model) characteristics available.
The RLocusPlot chart has no characteristics available.