load korea5c Matlab don't work and display ‘’The function or variable 'korea5c' is not recognized.‘’

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load korea5c 不能正常运行

Answers (1)

Abhishek Kumar Singh
Abhishek Kumar Singh on 4 Nov 2024
Hi @huili,
It's likely that the file path hasn't been added, or the file is missing, which is why MATLAB cannot recognize the MAT-file.
To resolve this:
  1. Check Directory: Ensure korea5c.mat is in your current directory or on the MATLAB path.
  2. Set Path: Use addpath('path_to_directory') to add the directory containing the MAT-file.
  3. Load File: Use load('korea5c.mat') to load the dataset.
  4. Verify File: Confirm the file exists.
  5. Use Full Path: Try load('C:\full_path\korea5c.mat') if needed.
I have attached the koreas5c.mat file in the attachments from an example from this documentation page MATLAB.
You can download it, place it in an added path and try again.
info = matfile('korea5c.mat')
info =
matlab.io.MatFile Properties: Properties.Source: '/users/mss.system.w469v/korea5c.mat' Properties.Writable: false description: [2x64 char] korea5c: [180x240 double] korea5cR: [1x1 map.rasterref.GeographicCellsReference] source: [2x76 char]
Hope this helps!

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