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BUG:MATLAB2024b got a bug about "uigridlayout"
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When I use 2024b to run code:
a = uifigure;
b = uigridlayout(a);
b.RowHeight = {'1x'};
c = uipanel(b);
result is:
Obviously, the border line in the bottom of the uipanel cannot be shown correctly.
For comparison, I use MATLAB 2023b to run the same code, the result is correct:
So strange.
I hope there is something I can do to solve this problem, cause I got a big project and the 2024b cannot be used for this reason.
Bruno Luong
on 8 Nov 2024
There are often bugs related to graphical card, its driver, screen resolution, display scale etc... It seems like a mess to me.
Answers (1)
on 7 Nov 2024
The issue is not reproducible on my end. The code appears to be working correctly on Windows 11 MATLAB R2024b and the "uipanel" generated is correct. It is possible that this is a low-level UI graphics issue. Kindly refer to the following documentation to debug and resolve this:
If the issue still persists, as stated by @Stephen23, you can contact Technical Support and report this as a bug.
on 8 Nov 2024
"Currently, I am using this solution, but I would much prefer an official fix."
Then make an official bug report:
This is just a forum of random volunteers. We cannot fix bugs.
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