When running a Simulink simulation in External mode to an Arduino Due board I am unable to change parameter values (for example the value of a constant block) without stopping the simulation. When opening the block parameters window the value fields are greyed out and uneditable.
Been searching for a solution and came upon "Tuneable parameters" which led me to the "Code Generation" configuration parameters which are not visible for me.
Have tried installing several packages, including "Matlab coder", "Simulink Coder" as well as "Embedded Coder", all of which should be included in my license.
Still, I get no configuration options for "Code Generation" and still unable to tune parameters while the simulation is running.
Upon simulation i get the following warnings:
Warning: No signals uploaded from the target application. Enable signal logging for model 'modelname. For more information, see Configure Signal Monitoring and Parameter Tuning for XCP External Mode.
Warning:Saving external mode simulation output as a single object is not supported because the workspace variable 'out' is not created during model code execution. To suppress the warning, set 'ReturnWorkspaceOutputs' to 'off'.
Don't think they are relevant since they also show up on another computer where parameters are tuneable just fine. Been trying to find what is different on that computer but no luck (other than that one running version 2022a and has access to "Code Generation")
Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.