How to plot average runtimes for sorting algorithms

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For an assignment I was asked to run insertion sort, selection sort, and merge sort on random lists of numbers of various sizes ten times each, and then plot the average run times for each on an x,y plot. With what I have currently, I am just trying to get Matlab to create a random list, sort it, and record the runtimes in a table for one list length and one sorting algorithm.
for n = 1:10
random_list = randi([0 1000], 1, 5);
sorted = insertionsort(random_list);
a = toc;
runtimes = zeroes(1, a);
I understand this is rough, I'm very inexperienced with this.

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 9 Nov 2024
fcns = {@insertsort, @selsort, @mrgsort};
for INDEX1 = %...
for INDEX2 = %...
sorted = fcns{INDEX1}(random_list);
a = toc;
runtimes(INDEX1,INDEX2) = a;
Harrison on 10 Nov 2024 at 18:45
I think this is on the right track, could you specify what to use for INDEX1 and INDEX2?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 10 Nov 2024 at 20:01
INDEX1 is something that is indexing the list of functions.
INDEX2 is something that is indexing number of times each function is called.

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