How do I modify the custom aircraft files refered to in "path to custom mesh" in the "Simulation 3D Aircraft" block

13 views (last 30 days)
I was unable to find this referenced file path in the root or docoments folder of MATLAB, where I would I have expected it to be.
There is a path generated in the once I installed the Aerospace Blockset Interface for Unreal Engine Projects, but changing the files in that folder by Unreal Editor or otherwise had no impact on the model shown when running the Simulation 3d viewer via Simulink.

Answers (1)

Nishan Nekoo
Nishan Nekoo on 9 Nov 2024
Hi Elias,
The file containing the default actors of the Simulation 3D Aircraft block that appear in the Simulation 3D Viewer via Simulink are not accessible in the root or documents folder of MATLAB and cannot be modified. However, a copy of them is available in the support package you downloaded as you have noted. Once you have modified the file, you can reference the path of this new file in the Simulation 3D Aircraft block in the 'Path to custom mesh' field once you select 'Custom' in the 'Type' field of the block.
I hope that helps!
Elias on 3 Dec 2024 at 20:33
Hey Nishan,
Displaying the model worked well using the simulation 3d actor. Thanks for your help, I´ll revisit giving the control panels movable bones at some point in the future.

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