Is it possible to select the parameters in the approximation equation using MATLAB?

2 views (last 30 days)
I have a set of empirical data that is displayed on a graph (figure). There is an equation describing the dependence y=a*exp(b*x+c*x^2), you need to select the constants a, b, c. Is it possible to do this using MATLAB tools?

Answers (2)

John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 12 Nov 2024
Yes. Use the curve fitting toolbox.
help fittype
fittype - Fit type for curve and surface fitting This MATLAB function creates the fittype object aFittype for the model specified by libraryModelName. Syntax aFittype = fittype(libraryModelName) aFittype = fittype(expression) aFittype = fittype(expression,Name,Value) aFittype = fittype(linearModelTerms) aFittype = fittype(linearModelTerms,Name,Value) aFittype = fittype(anonymousFunction) aFittype = fittype(anonymousFunction,Name,Value) Input Arguments libraryModelName - Library model to fit character vector | string scalar expression - Model to fit character vector | string scalar linearModelTerms - Model to fit cell array of character vectors | string array anonymousFunction - Model to fit anonymous function Name-Value Arguments coefficients - Coefficient names character vector | string scalar | cell array of character vectors | string array dependent - Dependent variable name y (default) | character vector | string scalar independent - Independent variable names x (default) | character vector | string scalar | cell array of character vectors | string array options - Fit options fitoptions problem - Problem-dependent (fixed) parameter names character vector | string scalar | cell array of character vectors | string array Output Arguments aFittype - Model to fit fittype object Examples openExample('curvefit/CreateFitTypesforLibraryModelsExample') openExample('curvefit/CreateCustomNonlinearModelsandSpecifyProblemParametersanExample') openExample('curvefit/CreateCustomLinearModelExample') openExample('curvefit/FitACurveDefinedByAFileExample') web /MATLAB/help/curvefit/fittype.html#btpaend-11 web /MATLAB/help/curvefit/fittype.html#btpaend-14 web /MATLAB/help/curvefit/fittype.html#btpaend-15 See also fit, fitoptions, Curve Fitter Introduced in Curve Fitting Toolbox before R2006a Documentation for fittype doc fittype
help fit
fit - Fit curve or surface to data This MATLAB function creates the fit to the data in x and y with the model specified by fitType. Syntax fitobject = fit(x,y,fitType) fitobject = fit([x,y],z,fitType) fitobject = fit(x,y,fitType,fitOptions) fitobject = fit(x,y,fitType,Name=Value) [fitobject,gof] = fit(x,y,fitType) [fitobject,gof,output] = fit(x,y,fitType) Input Arguments x - Data to fit matrix y - Data to fit vector z - Data to fit vector fitType - Model type to fit character vector | string scalar | string array | cell array of character vectors | anonymous function | fittype fitOptions - Algorithm options fitoptions Name-Value Arguments Options for All Fitting Methods Normalize - Option to center and scale data 'off' (default) | 'on' Exclude - Points to exclude from fit expression | index vector | logical vector | empty Weights - Weights for fit [ ] (default) | vector problem - Values to assign to problem-dependent constants cell array | double Smoothing Options SmoothingParam - Smoothing parameter scalar value in the range (0,1) Span - Proportion of data points to use in local regressions 0.25 (default) | scalar value in the range (0,1) Interpolation Options ExtrapolationMethod - Extrapolation method "auto" (default) | "none" | "linear" | "nearest" | "thinplate" | "biharmonic" | "pchip" | "cubic" Linear and Nonlinear Least-Squares Options Robust - Robust linear least-squares fitting method 'off' (default) | LAR | Bisquare Lower - Lower bounds on coefficients to be fitted [ ] (default) | vector Upper - Upper bounds on coefficients to be fitted [ ] (default) | vector Nonlinear Least-Squares Options StartPoint - Initial values for the coefficients [ ] (default) | vector Algorithm - Algorithm to use for fitting procedure 'Trust-Region' (default) | 'Levenberg-Marquardt' DiffMaxChange - Maximum change in coefficients for finite difference gradients 0.1 (default) DiffMinChange - Minimum change in coefficients for finite difference gradients 10^{–8} (default) Display - Display option in Command Window 'notify' (default) | 'final' | 'iter' | 'off' MaxFunEvals - Maximum number of evaluations of model allowed 600 (default) MaxIter - Maximum number of iterations allowed for fit 400 (default) TolFun - Termination tolerance on model value 10^{–6} (default) TolX - Termination tolerance on coefficient values 10^{–6} (default) Output Arguments fitobject - Fit result cfit | sfit gof - Goodness-of-fit statistics gof structure output - Fitting algorithm information output structure Examples openExample('curvefit/FitaQuadraticCurveExample') openExample('curvefit/FitaPolynomialSurfaceExample') openExample('curvefit/FitaSurfaceUsingVariablesinaMATLABTableExample') openExample('curvefit/CreateFitOptionsandFitTypeBeforeFittingExample') openExample('curvefit/ComparePolynomialFitsforFitFunctionExample') openExample('curvefit/FitaCubicPolynomialSpecifyingNormalizeandRobustOptionsExample') openExample('curvefit/FitACurveDefinedByAFileExample') openExample('curvefit/ExcludePointsfromFitExample') openExample('curvefit/ExcludePointsandPlotFitShowingExcludedDataExample') openExample('curvefit/CompareExtrapolationMethodsExample') openExample('curvefit/FitaSmoothingSplineCurveandReturnGoodnessofFitInformatioExample') openExample('curvefit/FitaSingleTermExponentialExample') web /MATLAB/help/curvefit/fit.html#bto2vuv-11 openExample('curvefit/FindCoefficientOrdertoSetStartPointsandBoundsExample') See also Curve Fitter, fittype, fitoptions, prepareCurveData, prepareSurfaceData, feval, plot, confint Introduced in Curve Fitting Toolbox before R2006a Documentation for fit doc fit Other uses of fit conbase/fit conswitch/fit contwostage/fit fitproblem/fit gmdistribution/fit incrementalClassificationECOC/fit incrementalClassificationKernel/fit incrementalClassificationNaiveBayes/fit incrementalDriftAwareLearner/fit incrementalOneClassSVM/fit incrementalPCA/fit incrementalRegressionLinear/fit incrementalRobustRandomCutForest/fit lime/fit linearDegradationModel/fit localmod/fit localmulti/fit mbcmodel.model/fit shapley/fit tireModel/fit xregmodel/fit
Note that the estimates of these coefficients will be very uncertain, due to the highly noisy data.
John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 16 Nov 2024
data = xlsread('data.xlsx');
ALWAYS PLOT YOUR DATA! Actually, plot everything. (Well, you did plot it, so well done there.)
I would note this does not show the classical bell shaped curve. Not even remotely close. It has a peak near x=26, but it is not at all symmetric. And that is a problem.
Regardless, I want you to see the warning you got.
"Warning: Start point not provided, choosing random start point."
And that should tell you to at least try to do better.
In that model, b will be related to the variance, but it will be roughly inversely proportional to that parameter. (With an extra factor of 2 thrown in.) If the standard deviation might be around 3 or so, then an estimate for b might be around 0.05. This is a parameter we will care about.
But what should a be? If the peak is around 26, then a classical Gaussian form would look like this:
If we expand that form with sigma around 3, then we would see this:
exp(-X^2/18 + (26*X)/9 - 338/9)
That suggests a should be roughly 3, thus 26/9. The problem is, that constant term will kill you, because it will look like exp(-338/9)
ans = 4.8959e-17
And that means we will have serious variable scaling problems. However, we MIGHT just survive.
myfittype = fittype('F*exp(a*x-b*x.^2)', 'dependent',{'y'},'independent',{'x'}, 'coefficients',{'a','b','F'});
myfit = fit(x',y',myfittype,'start',[3 0.05 1e-17])
myfit =
General model: myfit(x) = F*exp(a*x-b*x.^2) Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds): a = 3 (-0.3965, 6.396) b = 0.05399 (-0.006018, 0.114) F = 2.477e-18 (-1.163e-16, 1.213e-16)
grid on
And we see a fit now. Looks like complete absolute crapola on a shingle. You should see it tries to go down to zero at the right.
The problem is, your model simply does not fit the data. A true Gaussian model will go to zero in the tails. And it will be symmetric around the peak. Your data does not show anything of the sort. If you allow me to change the model of course, we can do something a little better. I would add an offset in y, allowing the entire model to translate up and down in y.
myfittype2 = fittype('F*exp(a*x-b*x.^2) + c', 'dependent',{'y'},'independent',{'x'}, 'coefficients',{'a','b','F','c'});
myfit2 = fit(x',y',myfittype2,'start',[3 0.05 1e-17 2])
myfit2 =
General model: myfit2(x) = F*exp(a*x-b*x.^2) + c Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds): a = 3 (-20.08, 26.08) b = 0.05777 (-0.3729, 0.4885) F = 1.132e-17 (-3.504e-15, 3.527e-15) c = 2 (0.06586, 3.934)
Still complete crap. Though I do observe that the parameters c and a have not changed at all from their start points. That gets into the serious issues we have with parameter scaling.
Sorry. I'm not at all sure why you think anything of the sort should fit your data.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 12 Nov 2024
If you do not have the curve fitting toolbox, then you can try
x = %...
y = %...
objfun = @(abc) sum( (abc(1).*exp(abc(2).*x+abc(3).*x.^2) - y).^2 );
abc0 = [.1 .3 .4];
ABC = fminunc(objfun, abc0);
a = ABC(1); b = ABC(2); c = ABC(3);
Do not expect the fit to be all that good.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 16 Nov 2024
data = readmatrix('data.xlsx');
x = data(:,1);
y = data(:,2);
objfun = @(abc) sum( (abc(1).*exp(abc(2).*x+abc(3).*x.^2) - y).^2 );
abc0 = [.001 .003 .004];
ans = 70.2212
ABC = fminunc(objfun, abc0);
Solver stopped prematurely. fminunc stopped because it exceeded the function evaluation limit, options.MaxFunctionEvaluations = 3.000000e+02.
a = ABC(1); b = ABC(2); c = ABC(3);
[a, b, c]
ans = 1×3
0.2550 0.2212 -0.0049
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
F = @(x) a.*exp(b.*x + c.*x.^2);
[xs, xorder] = sort(x);
ys = y(xorder);
Y = F(xs);
plot(xs, Y, '-', xs, ys, 'b.')
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 16 Nov 2024
Fitting the first two points would require a guassian that rises sharply -- and consequently also falls sharply. It would fall to near the level of the first point, and stay low from there. The sum of squares of distance from that low value to the rest of the points would add up to a fair bit.
Whereas, the fit that is being generated here looks somewhat reasonable. The first two points are roughly the same distance from the line, so they balance out. The rest is similar to a linear fit in effect. You can see how this curve is a plausible fit.

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