LQI controller is weirdly slow in response and doesn't always reach a goal on plant
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EDIT: Here is data I used for identification
I am trying to develop a servomechanism LQI controller. The servo is supposed to act as an actuator for a brake pedal - it is connected to a pedal via steel wire and therefore pushes on the pedal similarily to how a driver would. My goal was to first implement the control in MATLAB step by step and then rewrite it to embedded C. In simulation the controller behaves in a very satisfactory way, but when moving to plant, the response seems very delayed. Additionaly, in simulation I have neved had any issues with goal reaching, but on plant it turned out that the maximum the controller can achieve is 10 bars, and even when the goal pressure is higher, it never reaches it, just settles on the lower value. What is weird is that there is no issue in reaching lower pressures. I have tried to change the integral gain value since in the very beginning of testing, the maximum reachable pressure was even lower, and somehow changing the gain got me up to 10 bars - but never more. I am new to control theory. I need this system to be way faster and I want to make the delay the smallest possible, preferably around 30 ms.
Below I'm adding two pictures - one is from simulation and the other one directly from the plant. The delay on the plant is around 1 second (around 1100 ms).
% System identification
A = [0.748153090242338 -0.0770817542371630 -0.272770107988345 -0.0680287168856025 0.274040229219026;
0.0264773037738115 0.802405697397900 -0.244152268701560 0.0743061296316669 -0.0764153326240192;
-0.0409228451430832 0.360565865830120 0.715237466131514 0.0837023187613815 0.199733910116335;
0.0884449413535669 -0.0520801836735802 -0.0862407832241391 0.982500599129848 -0.0782458817344473;
-0.00176167556838596 0.145291619650476 -0.179472954855322 -0.156570713297809 0.410924513958431];
B = [-0.0691336950664988;
C = [0.395474090810162 0.0874731850181924 0.127527899108947 -0.0511706805106379 -0.0420611557807524];
D = 0;
sys = ss(A, B, C, D, 0.02);
[A_size_row, A_size_column] = size(A);
Q = 70*eye(A_size_row+1);
R = 5;
A_aug = [A, zeros(A_size_column, 1); -C, 0];
B_aug = [B; 0];
[K, ~, ~] = lqr(A_aug, B_aug, Q, R); % LQR solver
K_x = K(1:5);
K_i = K(6);
dt = 0.02; % time step;
T = 1000; % sim time in milliseconds (or is it seconds?)
time = 0:dt:T;
x = [0;
0]; % initial state
x_i = 0; % initial integrator state
y = []; % output storage
u = []; % control effort storage
ref = []; % reference signal storage
states = []; % state storage
% Simulation loop
for t = time
% Reference signal
if t == 50
r = 5;
% Control law
u_t = -K_x * x - K_i * x_i;
% System dynamics
x_dot = A * x + B * u_t;
x = x + x_dot * dt;
% Integrator dynamics
y_t = C * x;
x_i_dot = r - y_t;
x_i = x_i + x_i_dot * dt;
% Store results
y = [y, y_t];
u = [u, u_t];
ref = [ref, r];
states = [states, x]; % Store state vector
% Plot results
plot(time, ref, 'r--', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
hold on;
plot(time, y, 'b', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
xlabel('Time (ms)');
ylabel('Output y');
title('System Output vs Reference Signal');
legend('Reference', 'Output');
grid on;
plot(time, u, 'g', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
xlabel('Time (ms)');
ylabel('Control Effort u');
title('Control Effort');
grid on;
plot(time, states, 'LineWidth', 1.5);
xlabel('Time (ms)');
title('States over Time');
legend('x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5');
grid on;
Pavl M.
on 17 Nov 2024 at 17:32
Edited: Pavl M.
on 22 Nov 2024 at 6:03
The original idea to employ the Hamiltonian matrix for the specific closed loop agent design and simulation:
Acl=A-B*K; % which is H matrix in my answer.
sys_lqr=ss(Acl,B,C,D, s_time);
is my, not of that Paul, please let's keep order who is who.
It is really good question.
Kindly see my recent the solution update:
(Updated, 17 Nov. 2024, see chk1.m script, Final for the numerical LQR, LQI gains design):
Here is a solution for much more faster LQ controller(agent) working in loop ( see my answer code + m going to add simulation of your loop with noise addition) with reduced oscillations by pre-filter I developed(constructed) novel (plagiarism free, not taken from any published manuscript, whatever indeed works in soft real time embedded). What is better for you LQR(no augmentation of matrices A,B,C,D, is required) or LQI(needs augmentation of A,B,C,D, matrices)Carefull selection of Q,R,N matrices are similar in goal vs the process of PID tuning.
Let's see maybe you can use the controller (smart agent for which the good K gains finding we have completed) with your system without complex Particle Filter or Kalman state X estimator if to rely on your linearized matrices A,B,C,D (please check are you sure about the matrices, and what is the actual physical system to control in non-linear, time varying case? whether they work in embedded code?) solely then the state X can be computed inside the embedded code from equation
The control u computed on your embedded board relying on the actual real physical system estimation matrices A,B,C,D, hard coded in your embedded code and using actual physical system output y, the control u computed you just connect via appropriate transducer (signal conditioner) to your actual physical system actuator (servo motor or any other valid actuator).
Hope to construct together many or a few most valuable, really utile, useful actor controllers(agents) embeddable low code and high code C/C++ embedded running on digital computer codes for industry. Let's focus on this workflow.
Answers (3)
Mathieu NOE
on 15 Nov 2024 at 11:51
hello again
used a simplified version of your model and applied simple PID control (easier for real time conversion) :
% Define system parameters
K = 1; % Gain
T = 0.1; % Time constant
L = 0.2; % Delay
% Transfer function of the first-order system with delay
s = tf('s');
sys_delayed = exp(-L*s)*tf(K, [T, 1]);
% Define PID controller gains
Kp = 0.6;
Ki = 5*Kp;
Kd = 0;
% Transfer function of the PID controller
pid = tf([Kd, Kp, Ki], [1, 0]);
% Closed-loop system
closed_loop_sys = feedback(pid*sys_delayed,1);
% Step response
t = linspace(0, 5, 1000);
[yOL, t] = step(sys_delayed, t);
[yCL, t] = step(closed_loop_sys, t);
% Plot the step response
plot(t, yOL,'b',t, yCL,'r')
xlabel('Time (s)')
title('Step Response of First-Order System with Delay and PID Controller')
grid on
Pavl M.
on 15 Nov 2024 at 18:35
Edited: Pavl M.
on 15 Nov 2024 at 18:37
that is too simple, trivial, simplification often makes losses in features and original beauty of complexity, make it simple, but not simpler. In this question case the problem is another, it is of proper LQ controller design (the wise cost matrices Q,R,N selection and state estimation or better recovery LTM) and LQ-derivatives compare-contrast and most fitted selection implementable on embedded board must be original the 5+ size A,B,C,D, matrices and not what you/others pushed, also the delay and amplitude defficiency they did not tackle, while I handle in my answers/solution pathes, LQ may be better in performance than PID since it inherently deals with convex optimization and I found the gain K matrix for reduced overshoot, faster settling, more close to desired gain and lower rise time (and so less sluggish) as per the original requirements. Hire me for better, including block diagrams/block schemes and flow of control with TCE Simulink I can make normal.
Mathieu NOE
on 20 Nov 2024 at 14:25
well the art of engineering is to choose the right tool for the right job. I have nothing against the beauty of complexity, but afetr many yeras in the industry, 99.9% of the time I prefer to simplify the problem first before designing a solution for it. of course , it's everyone personal choice / preferences to pick this or that appoach.
but when it comes down to embedded software, the complexier your design the more headaches to test and make sure sure there is no hidden bug somewhere.
Pavl M.
on 15 Nov 2024 at 11:06
Edited: Pavl M.
on 22 Nov 2024 at 11:33
It is indeed really factually very valued, yet undervalued and quite intersting, utile question.
(Updated, 21 Nov. 2024, Final for the numerical LQR, LQI gains design):
Here is a solution for much more faster LQ controller(agent) working in loop with reduced oscillations by pre-filter I developed(constructed) novel (plagiarism free, not taken from any published manuscript, further if will be found interested engineering specialist to hire me I can analyze and make loop transfer recovery (LTR) and LTM agents(regulators,controllers) and tackle other sophisticated and simple looped systems, whatever indeed works in soft real time embedded). What is better for you LQR(no augmentation of matrices A,B,C,D, is required) or LQI(needs augmentation of A,B,C,D, matrices), see how TCE NCE MPPL Matlab internal lqr state feedback controlle works faster without augmentation, to where the setpoint comes to just state feedback built-in lqr:
clear all
close all
s_time = 0.02; %[sec], SI by default in TCE Matlab
Np = 0.01; %noise power
nstates = 5;
ninputs = 1;
ncontrols = 1;
noutputs = 1;
% System identification
A = [0.748153090242338 -0.0770817542371630 -0.272770107988345 -0.0680287168856025 0.274040229219026;
0.0264773037738115 0.802405697397900 -0.244152268701560 0.0743061296316669 -0.0764153326240192;
-0.0409228451430832 0.360565865830120 0.715237466131514 0.0837023187613815 0.199733910116335;
0.0884449413535669 -0.0520801836735802 -0.0862407832241391 0.982500599129848 -0.0782458817344473;
-0.00176167556838596 0.145291619650476 -0.179472954855322 -0.156570713297809 0.410924513958431];
B = [-0.0691336950664988;
C = [0.395474090810162 0.0874731850181924 0.127527899108947 -0.0511706805106379 -0.0420611557807524];
D = 0;
sys1 = ss(A, B, C, D, s_time);
sys2 = ss(A,B,C,D);
disp('Whether the system is stable, minimum phase and proper:')
Qc= ctrb(A,B)
controllab = rank(Qc)
x = 1;
disp('The pair (A,B) must be stabilizable')
ic = [0 0 0 0 0];
Gd1 = c2d(sys2,s_time,'impulse')
Gd2 = d2d(sys1,s_time,'tustin')
[A_size_row, A_size_column] = size(A);
Q = 70*eye(A_size_row+1)
R = 7 %*eye(ninputs);
R2 = 5 %*eye(ninputs+1);
N = ones(nstates,1)
N2 = ones(nstates+1,1)
%P %matrices to find furthermore.
A_aug = [A, zeros(A_size_column, 1); -C, 0];
B_aug = [B; 0];
Q2 = 30*eye(A_size_row) % To be selected using Adaptive Dynamic Programming or
%similar heuristic for rubustness
%R = 5;
%S = eye(nstates,noutputs);
%E = eye(nstates,nstates);
%[~,p] = chol(R)
%% Just ARE
[X1, L1, G1] = care(A_aug, B_aug, Q, [1]) %, S, E)
%% For Just LQR:
[K1,S1,P1] = lqr(sys1,Q2,R)
%% For just LQI:
[Klqi,Slqi,elqi] = lqi(sys1,Q,R2,N2)
%In discrete time, lqi computes the integrator output xi
%using the forward Euler formula
%where Ts is the sample time of SYS.
%What if to try trapezoidal and Backward-Euler integration methods?
[K2,S2,P2] = dlqr(A,B,Q2,R,N)
%Compare K2 and K1, select which produces better results for your real
%world physical system through H2 = A-B*K2
%% For just LQI the integrator and states gain:
K_x = Klqi(1:5);
K_i = Klqi(6);
dt = s_time; % time step;
T = 100; % sim time in [sec]
%% For just LQR: System's Hamiltonian
H = A - B*K1
H2 = A - B*K2
%% Now when the optimal quadratic gain matrix K is found for your
%% embedded implementation you will need the plant(environment) under control
%% state vector X estimator (it can be Kalman or another more handy and simple,
%% which =?(additional research question m to answer if stakeholder/customer
%% hires me). Then The control law of your system under LQR control is ultimately
%% u = setpointreferenceinputsignal - K*Xest. Very impressive gain and phase margines if
%% we find as precise Xest-X -> 0 and and also for homogeneous and in-homogeneous cases.
Gn = 1; %you may experiment with different gains
sys3 = ss(H,B,Gn*C,D,s_time);
% Convert state-space model to transfer function
sys_tf = tf(sys3);
[n, d] = tfdata(sys_tf, 'v');
% Pre-filter
% !Pre-filter, let's behave professionally, the original idea of such
% fitler is of Sam Chak from here and so I must cite him and credit his
% contribution: https://uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/profile/authors/5570092
AdjGain = 0.02;
% with my additions of more scripting/coding control
fdst = length(d)-1
fdend = length(d)
fnst = 1
fnend = length(n)
Gf = AdjGain*tf(d(fdst:fdend),n(fnst:fnend),s_time)
% Display the transfer function of the Compensated System
disp('Transfer Function of the Compensated System:');
Gcc = minreal(Gf*sys_tf)
ms = minreal(Gcc);
zms = zero(ms) % closed-loop zeros
pms = pole(ms) % closed-loop poles
%Step response of the resultant system to step in amplitude 12 applied at
%time = 1 sec
% replaces loop:
tsim = 10;
setpointamp = 24.5; %Bar or Newton or mm
setpointapptime = 0.9; % sec
defaultsetpointpos = 0; % Bar or Newton or mm
Conf = RespConfig(Bias=defaultsetpointpos,Amplitude=setpointamp,Delay=setpointapptime)
step(Gcc,[0 tsim], Conf)
title('Plant+Controller LQR Closed Loop system step response')
%% PID
P1 = tf(sys1)
[C, info] = pidtune(P1, 'PIDF2')
C2tf = tf(C)
Cr = C2tf(1)
Cy = C2tf(2)
Gclp = Cr*feedback(P1,Cy,+1)
Gcl = minreal(Gclp);
zcl = zero(Gcl) % closed-loop zeros
pcl = pole(Gcl) % closed-loop poles
% Plot the results
step(sys1,[0 tsim], Conf), grid on, legend('Original system', 'location', 'east')
step(Gcl,[0 tsim], Conf), grid on, legend('2DOFPIDF Compensated system', 'location', 'east')
step(Gcc,[0 tsim], Conf), grid on, legend('LQR Controlled system', 'location', 'east')
%full, complete component so far. Clear improvement in magnitude and
%settling time response of the discrete time closed loop under the
%specified control.
%[K,S,e] = lqry(sys,Q,R,N)
%% More robust gaussian servo controller:
nx = 5; %Number of states
ny = 5; %Number of outputs
%To improve the sharpness and settling of the LQG1 step response, you can try adjusting the weighting matrices and controller design parameters. Here are some suggestions to enhance the performance of the KLQG1 controller:
%Increase the weight on the state variables in the QXU matrix to prioritize the control effort's impact on the system states.
%Tune the weights in the QWV matrix carefully, especially the one related to the noise covariance (Rn) to reduce its influence on the closed-loop response.
%Experiment with different values for the QI matrix to adjust the integral control's contribution to the overall controller behavior.
%Consider refining the controller design by incorporating additional design constraints or performance specifications tailored to your specific requirements.
%By iteratively adjusting these parameters and observing their effects on the closed-loop system response, you can fine-tune the KLQG1 controller to achieve a sharper and more settled step response.
% Define the different values of Rn to test
Rn_values = [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1];
P = sys1;
QI = 5.5 * eye(ny);
Qn = Q2; % + 50 * [0.05 0.03 0 0 0; 0.03 0.02 0 0 0; 0 0 0.01 0 0; 0 0 0 0.01 0; 0 0 0 0 0.01];
R = 0.1*sqrt(Qn);
QXU = 30*blkdiag(eye(nx), R);
%Weighting matrices Q, R, and N, which define the tradeoff between regulation performance (how fast x(t) goes to zero) and control effort.
%x = [0;0;0;0;0];
%x_i = x;
%y = [];
%u = [];
%ref = [];
%states = [];
%Todo: simulate it in loop:
%noise = 0.001;
%ToDo next is not yet fully full: not full, under development.
%for t = time
% if t == 50
% r = 5;
% end
% u_t = -K_x * x - K_i * x_i;
% u_t(abs(u_t)>abs(max(C))) = max(C);
% x(abs(x)>abs(max(r))) = r;
% x_dot = A * x + B' * u_t;
% xn = x + x_dot * dt;
% y_t = C * xn + D*u_t;
%Trapezoidal integrator (ToDo: try other discrete integrators approximations, like backward and trapezoidal)
% x_i_dot = r - y_t + r - C * x + D*u_t;
% x_i = x_i + x_i_dot * dt/2;
% y = [y, y_t];
% u = [u, u_t];
% ref = [ref, r];
% x = xn;
% states = [states, x];
%plot(time, ref, 'r--', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
%hold on;
%plot(time, y, 'b', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
%xlabel('Time (miliseconds)');
%ylabel('Output y');
%title('System Output vs Reference Signal');
%legend('Reference', 'Output');
%grid on;
%plot(time, u, 'g', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
%xlabel('Time (miliseconds)');
%ylabel('Control Effort u');
%title('Control Effort');
%grid on;
%plot(time, states, 'LineWidth', 1.5);
%xlabel('Time (miliseconds)');
%title('States over Time');
%legend('x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5');
%grid on;
%Option 2, construct positive semidefinite matrices:
%Nn = 1;
%[kest,L,P2] = kalman(sys1,Qn,Rn,Nn);
%Connect the and sys to form the working loop, it should bring more performant control:
%K4 = lqi(sys1,Q,R)
%servocontroller = lqgtrack(kest, K4);
%Sum_Error = sumblk('e = r - y');
%clsys2 = minreal(tf(connect(C,P,Sum_Error,'r','y')))
%title('Constructed closed loop system response 2')
%Option 3:
%C = lqgtrack(kest,K4)
%C = lqgtrack(kest,K4,'2dof')
%C = lqgtrack(kest,K4,'1dof')
%Fcl = minreal(series(P, C));
%serc = minreal(feedback(Fcl,sumblk));
%Constructed from needing help prgm. by
%+380990535261, https://join.skype.com/invite/oXnJhbgys7oW
(here obvious delay reduction demonstrated as well as amplification and 1 loop reduction (step with config instead of for loop))
Simplest design of LQR, LQI solution presented:
because you created discrete time state space model and the lqr with matrices deals with continuous time.
What is the value of N and S, E Ricatty matrices for more precise control(agent actions) for your specific plant(environment)?
[K,S,e] = lqi(SYS,Q,R,N) for discrete systems.
[K,S,P] = dlqr(A,B,Q,R,N) for discrete systems only.
If you putted there matrices (A,B,C,D) it is for continuous systems.
Also the disturbance and noise impact-cost to analyze more and the system can be more tuned (settling time, overshoot, phase and gain margins, response times may be improved).
I plan to continue to elaborate it further to most precise completion. There are a few solutions availble to this.
What do you mean by the plant? What is the real world non-linear time varying (little time varying) initial the plant model? At which point linearized? How did you obtain the A,B,C,D, matrices? Which plant is it exactly (is it servomotor+pedal+the rest of braking system or is it just braking pedal and rest of braking system or just servomotor)?
What is the main goal to control mostly the braking pedal relative displacement (and so 1-to-1 mapping the servo position as the main set point) or braking pedal force excerted to control force applied on pedal or just desired braking pressure (main set-point)?
Should I make the few versions of the real world setup plants for you?
In simulation you are on time, in reality it is discrete time (quantization and sampling impacts are added).
So on discretization.
Correction to your post:" I have neve had any issues with goal reaching".
What are the discrete controller and plant precise parameters as in your real world system?
Correction to your post:
Your wrote in post :"servomechanism LQI controller."
But in code there is LQR controller.
I added both LQR and LQI design for discrete.
Have you tried the LQG control I proposed as more fitted clear in previous your similar post?
Have you tried PID tuning?
So far you made in script. I've just started to ammend, improve your the code script, the system and controller design and preparing of Simulink diagram, block-scheme for it...
Hope to help, can you await till I complete and upload it? Here is good educational summary of available controllers for you(I have found a few more, not yet presented in the TCE Mathworks matlab self-paced curses, which is fPID, LQG,...more I can find/look up and put effort to understand if there will be found stakeholders(customers,clients,invsestors) to order the Project service and products (both digital products and processes contribution which will lead to products and services)
Here I've created novel model and sim with your A,B,C,D, matrices and step input and white noise disturbances in actuator (control agent) output(actions) and plant output (sensor noise) to model it as close to real world and with PID(z) controller with Forward Euler and Trapezoidal Integration and filtered derivative, not saturated, 3 signals(control effort, yellow - plant resultant output, setpoint) presented. As we can see the hope is robust, the plant got stabilized indeed in full with the PID and the output is even over-gained, while delay in output is still up to 1 sec even in the PID control case, which is quite large and for it others use specific sluggish systems treatment techniques, which I think to cover next. The design is modular, hypothethical models also presented in it in case to grow it modular.
Pavl M.
on 16 Nov 2024 at 7:11
Edited: Pavl M.
on 22 Nov 2024 at 7:03
OK, it is doable (both 2DOF fractionalPID and LQ-family of controllers (including LQR-PID hybrids, and loop recovery can be tried on it), when I complete I will upload it:
Loop Recovery techniques are very promissing since allow more accuracy than Kalman X state estimator. Let's check it.
Please check recent update to the initial answer here, fast and robust K gain for LQR controller and 2DOFPID and tracking found. Let it possible I will add more to it.
Similar very related question:
Carefull selection of Q,R,N matrices are similar in goal vs the process of PID tuning.
Let's see maybe you can use the controller (smart agent for which the good K gains finding we have completed) with your system without complex Particle Filter or Kalman state X estimator if to rely on your matrices A,B,C,D (please check are you sure about the matrices, whether they work in embedded code?) solely then the state X can be computed inside the embedded code from equation
X[n+1] = A*X[n]+B*U[n],
then the control output can be computed as:
U = setpoint - Klqr1(1...Nstates)*X(1..Nstates) (designed novel so far (see code K1 gain) so far with no augmentation)
(most rapid & accurate, it meets your requirements and goals as for rise time, overshoot, gain and settling), but how is it noise prone & disturbance withstanding in real world harsh automotive environments?)
U = (setpoint - y_from_real_phys_system)*Klqr2(1) - (Klqr2(2).. Klqr2(N))*(X2 .. XN) or (X1..XN-1)(can be augmented in a few ways: pre-augmented, in-augmented, post-augmented and augmented from beginning and from end)
or U = F1(setpoint - y_from_real_phys_system) - (Klqr1...KlqrN)*(X1..XN), where F1 is a novel function/filter to design with better performance hope.
u = DiscreteIntegratorApproximator(r - y_from_real_phys_system)*Klqi(N+1) - Klqi(1..N)*X(1..N)
u = DiscreteIntegratorApproximator(r - y_from_real_phys_system)*Klqi1 - Klqi(2..N+1)*X(1..N). (depending on augmentation from beginning or augmentation at end)
u = DiscrIntegratorApprox(r - (y_from_real_phys_sys+disturbance)*F1)*K1 - K2*X(preselected states acc. to states physical sense) +disturbance*F2
where F1 is some semi-stochastic function of harshnessin real environement where plant and controller act in closed loop, catched at actuator disturbance hotstop,
K1 - is part for the new state of augmented or even not augmented gain matrix computed by some most fitted LQ algorithm,
K2 - is part for selected exisiting real physical plant states of augmented or even not augmented gain matrix computed by some most fitted LQ strategy(by algebraic, matrix and calculus operations).
[K1 K2] = K cane be computed by 1 algorithm or K1 and K2 can be also calculated separatedly by different math. programming objections emending.
where F2 is some semi-stochastic function of harshness in real environement where plant& controller act in closed loop, catched at real world physcial plant sensor/transducer disturbance hotspot.
The control u computed on your embedded board relying on the actual real physical system estimation matrices A,B,C,D, hard coded in your embedded code and using actual physical system output y, the control u computed you just connect via appropriate transducer (signal conditioner) to your actual physical system actuator (servo motor or any other valid actuator).
Let's focus on this workflow.
The control u computed on your embedded board relying on the actual real physical system estimation matrices A,B,C,D, hard coded in your embedded code and using actual physical system output y, the control u computed you just connect via appropriate transducer (signal conditioner) to your actual physical system actuator (servo motor or any other valid actuator).
Let's focus on this workflow for next few monthes and we will see also can we obtain in practice better than PID control with LQR (in theory LQR is better than PID, but whether better than the proposed 2DOFPID, with best phase and gain margins), but in practice due to the X state observer additional design let's see what we get in practice in your embedded board in C,C++ controller running compiled (in mind) (please keep your the setup, I will not steal it, while already today others many stolen from me more locally, that is why I request to find material substance support investor, granter to help only financially by Money Gram, RIA or Western Union remiitance to Pavlo Mazniker) . It is very valued industry and academic research question with many unknowns to commerciallize.
OK, as for the LQ RAE goal conroller(agent), it is feasible of course, for just LQR/LQI it must needs to
design implementable online (real-time) closed loop Kalman state estimator as much accurate and robust, while the K gains we have already found, I have started Simulink diagram blockscheme design of LQ with different Kalmans to select best one and also thinking more robust and more implementable on digital hardware (Which is better MCU, CPLD, FPGA, custom ASIC? for future applications?) than Kalman.
I tried today also to close and run loop with just 1 feedback gain element of value operation_on(K) and in feedforward integrator + the operation_on(K) gain, but yet the output is going down, sign that more complex but not complicated design is on agenda.
The question is that from time to time the LQR-LQG controllers found different interpretations in academic research and whether online(real time) closed loop Kalman gain estimator is required if we already pre-computed the K gains?
We need to distinguish between Kalman state X estimator and Kalman K gain estimator
and 3 main families of Ricatti Optimization LQ Designs:
LQG with Kalman K gain vector estimator and 1 integrator
LQR wich is just I controller from PID tuned using Ricatti Optimization with balance matrices carefully selected as in the rest of the kinds. Here also experiments with vector/matrix of K gains transformation as a feedback gain or
feedforward as I controller or a combination of both can be conducted if you contact and hire me.
LQI is a controller with gain, integrator and Kalman plant internal state(X) estimation
LoopTransferRecovery (LTR) technique,
What are your heuristics to choose Q,R,N matrices?
In previous the PID closed loop Simulink simulation presented, let me correct my the PID for comparison: there should be - in sum block on output signal on feedback, that picture were produced with + sign there.
It can be doable in TCE Simulink of course, have you tried Scicos/Scilab?
Are you sure about 900 to 1300 [us = 0.000001 sec] and not [0.001 sec = ms], please check time units consistency:
please check:
900 us to 1300 us. In current solution, the controller computes the control signal (as position),
remaps it so it's between 0 to 90 degrees and then computes the pulse length for the computed,
rescaled position. The delay between the servo receiving the command and reacting to it is around 10 to 20 ms,
resolution of the servo is <2[us]
Are you sure about <2[us]? I think change your us to ms.
Is the servo reacting delay already resembled in pre-obtained the A,B,C,D matrices (are needed to implement the actual controller(agent) logic in embedded C) or should we model / regard it additionally (as *exp(... delay_value))?
on 17 Nov 2024 at 17:14
Following up from this comment, we have established that the plant is modeled in disctete-time with sampling period Ts = 0.02 s.
% System identification
A = [0.748153090242338 -0.0770817542371630 -0.272770107988345 -0.0680287168856025 0.274040229219026;
0.0264773037738115 0.802405697397900 -0.244152268701560 0.0743061296316669 -0.0764153326240192;
-0.0409228451430832 0.360565865830120 0.715237466131514 0.0837023187613815 0.199733910116335;
0.0884449413535669 -0.0520801836735802 -0.0862407832241391 0.982500599129848 -0.0782458817344473;
-0.00176167556838596 0.145291619650476 -0.179472954855322 -0.156570713297809 0.410924513958431];
B = [-0.0691336950664988;
C = [0.395474090810162 0.0874731850181924 0.127527899108947 -0.0511706805106379 -0.0420611557807524];
D = 0;
Ts = 0.02;
sys = ss(A, B, C, D, Ts);
However, the rest of the code in the Question, i.e., the augmentation, the call to lqr, and the simulation, is treating the model as if its in continuous-time, so that all needs to be corrected.
It appears the objective is to use the LQR technique with integral control, for which we have two options. Option 1 is to manually augment the plant with a discrete-time integrator and then call lqr with the augmented LTI object (not Aaug and Baug), Option 2 is to use lqi and let the software do the work for us.
Let's use option 2.
Q = 70*eye(size(A,1)+1);
R = 5;
K = lqi(sys,Q,R);
Now that we have our gains, we have to build the closed loop system based on those gains. We have some options here. Option 1 is to manually manipulate the models to come up with a closed-form expression. Option 2 is to use connect so we can more intuitively represent the system as a block diagram, and it also provides more flexibility going forward when we want to do other things with the model, like add models for a sensor or specficy breakpoints for stability margins. Let's use option 2
The plant model presently has only one output, y, but we also need to output the state variable for state feedback
sys = ss(A,B,[C;eye(5)],0,Ts,'InputName','u','OutputName',["y", "x("+(1:5)+")"]);
Define the sum block that forms the error signal
errsum = sumblk('e = r - y');
Define the discrete time integerator using the equation shown at lqi
intsys = ss(1,Ts,1,0,Ts,'InputName','e','OutputName','xi');
Define the gains
K_x = ss(K(1:5),'InputName','x','OutputName','ux');
K_i = ss(K(6),'InputName','xi','OutputName','ui');
Sum of the control signals from the state feedback and the integral control
usum = sumblk('u = -ui - ux');
I think you're going to want a stand alone model of the compensator, so let's build that first
syscomp = connect(errsum,intsys,K_x,K_i,usum,["r";"y";K_x.InputName],'u');
Put it all together
syscl = connect(sys,syscomp,'r','y');
Now, for simulation we can either write our own loop, or we can just use step. Compare the reponse of the plant to the closed-loop system
The slow response of the closed loop system is due to the selection of Q and R. I don't know how you came up with those or what your design goals are, so won't suggest how to modify those. I can give you an idea of one approach that might be worth pursuing if you'd like.
Mathieu NOE
on 23 Nov 2024 at 10:40
Edited: Mathieu NOE
on 23 Nov 2024 at 10:44
the goal here is to identify the "plant" that is the portion of the system that goes from your control board output to its input (where the pressure sensor is connected)
so you send a unitary step "software" signal that is then converted to a physical voltage (this is done by the DAC of your control board, or it can also be a PWM signal) that goes into the valve drive , which itself control the pressure in your hydraulic cylinder , ...etc ... etc
I believe I am not telling you here anything you are not already aware, but this is just to put hings in place again (helps me too to construct my answer)
so when we say we generate a unitary step , this is only inside your control board , at the software level. Your DAC may have a certain gain (how much volts at the output connector for a unitary step ?) , and same for the other devices in your system, each one has a different DC gain (and poles /zeroes).
so if I were you and someone gives me that "plant" to identify and I have no clue about what's in there , I would go step by step :
- what kind of test signal is appropriate for this task . Not all systems react linearly with steps or impulses. The physics of the "DUT" (device under test) should help decide which signal is best for the job. We want a "plant friendly" test signal , so that we get the desired amount of data to perform a good identification, while remaining in the physical limits and if possible in the linear domain. If you go too fast , your system may react with a certain slope due to its physical velocity limit (this is especially true with hydraulic actuators). If your test signal amplitude is too low , you get mostly noise , if too high you may hit the end stops of reach velocity limit
- so when confronted with a new system I like to start very gently (low amplitude signals) and then adapt the test signal characteristics according to how the output looks like. So for the system you have described , step is good IMO, but the need to do a full swing (max amplitude) input may be questionable. I would have probably done several attemps with increasing amplitudes and check whether the output is proportionnal to input or if we start to see some non linearity (staturation) . I probably start with looking at the signals on the scope at diferent amplitudes (and from there I should already know what are the typical characteristics of my system) , and once I have narrowed down to what I really want then I would do the official records that I will use for identification purpose.
- it may look a bit overkill and waste of time , but when you discover a new system it may actually save you time , because the more you know about the system and it's limits , the better you can refine your identification process and avoid going forth and back because you need to re-check your data.
if a unitary step generates a 24 bars response (and the system remains in the linear operating range) , there is no difference in term of system identification result vs having a smaller step amplitude calibrated for a 1 bar response (but I assume the shape of the output may be slightly different even rescaled). I am not sure which matlab function you used , but you may have to rescale the signal you feed to the function if you are using a non unitary step signal (you probably have to revisit the documentation and make some tests with a simple case model - or demo code)
also , it would be nice if in your record we could see when the step signal switch from zero to one (because today I only see the pressure signal after the transition, so I may have a doubt when the transition actually occured).
sorry for saying something you know already , both signals must be recorded synchronously
anyway , if you could share some records, I'll be glad to have a look at them and give you some feedback (no pun intended !)
all the best !
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