how i can set Vrms value using Band-Limited White Noise block?

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i am trying to generate noise signal with 5uvrms and frequency 100 hz using Band-Limited White Noise block can any one help me how i can converet the noise power to vrms value and setting the frequency ?

Answers (1)

Vinay on 18 Nov 2024
Edited: Vinay on 18 Nov 2024
The power Spectral Density(PSD) of a white noise is constant over the whole frequency range. The noise power of a white noise is defined over a specified bandwidth.
The 'Noise Power' parameter specifies the PSD of the white noise.This is in terms of . The noise RMS (in V) can be found by calculating the square root of the above value:
The white noise is defined over the complete spectrum.The 'Band Pass Filter' of cutoff frequency 100Hz and desired bandwidth is used for setting the specific frequency.
I hope this helps!





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