Why do I get errors during compilation of generated systemverilog files when using the Cosimulation Wizard in HDL Verifier R2024a?

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I'm trying to generate a cosimulation block for Xcelium. There for I want to use the Cosim Wizard and systemverilog files I generated with the HDL Coder out of my model. I'm following this workflow:
My problem is, that I can't compile the generated sv files inside of the cosimWizard (step "HDL Compilation" inside of the Cosimulation Wizard).
The errors are:
1. xmvlog: *E,NOPBIND (Path) Package my_pck could not be bound
2. xmvlog: *E,ILLPDL (Path) Mixing of ansi & non-ansi style port declarationis not legal
I didn't change the compilation commands and I have already run the "Workflow Adviser" and the "HDL Code Advisor" here everything runs through. I don't use any external sv-files just the ones I generated with the HDL-Coder out of my model. 
What can I do to be able to compile the sv-files and generate the cosimulation block?

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 26 Nov 2024
Although it should be possible to bring HDL Coder generated code back into Simulink via the Cosimulation Wizard, the usual workflow is to generate the cosim block (and compile/launch scripts) at the same time the HDL is being generated.
a) For CLI workflows, specify an option to makehdltb:
>> makehdltb(..., GenerateCoSimModel="Incisive")
b) For GUI workflows, in the HDL Code Generation / Test Bench / Test Bench settings of the configset, check "Cosimulation model".
However, running the files through the wizard also works by changing the compilation order of the source code. The compilation order is important: the package file must come first. 
So the following compilation in the wizard works:
#Define Source FoldersSRC1="/mathworks/devel/sandbox/username/work/HDLV/incoming"
#Compilationxmvlog -64bit -sv "$SRC1/test_ss_pkg.sv" "$SRC1/Chart.sv" "$SRC1/test_ss.sv" 

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