question about dely lines
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Hey guys, I want to implement an allpass filter but i struggle with the difference equation and its implementation:
heres the structure
and here are the difference equations:
So finally I got the difference equation. I also tried to implemend it into my process function. (d(n) is a delay line in my code before i wanted to implemt the allpass, therefore I commented it out, but can be useful to compare). m(k) and m'(k) are both delays that are calculated. zeta is set to be one and is therefore not in the equation. The plugin sounds wrong and horrible if I try this way. Anyone got an Idea?
function out = process(plugin, in)
out = zeros(size(in));
for i = 1:size(in,1)
% Summieren der L/R - Kanle
inL = in(i,1);
inR = in(i,2);
inSum = (inL + inR)/2;
plugin.buffInput(plugin.pBuffInput + 1) = inSum;
% loop over delay lines
for n=1:plugin.N
% plugin.y_a = 0;
% d_n = gain * delayed v_n
for k=1:plugin.N
% if k == 2 && mod(plugin.pBuffDelayLines,2) == 0
% = 0;
% end
plugin.Dg(k) = sqrt(1-plugin.g(k)^2);
%plugin.d(k) = plugin.g(k)*plugin.buffDelayLines(k, mod(plugin.pBuffDelayLines + plugin.m(k), plugin.maxDelay +1) + 1);
% d(k) = (((sqrt(1-plugin.g(k)^2)^2)+ plugin.g(k)^2 + plugin.g(k)^2) * x1_m0p) + (plugin.g(k) * x1_m0) - (plugin.g(k) * y_m0p);
x1_m0p = plugin.buffDelayLines(k, mod(plugin.pBuffDelayLines + plugin.m(k)+plugin.m'(k)+1, plugin.maxDelay +1) + 1);
x1_m1p =plugin.buffDelayLines(k, mod(plugin.pBuffDelayLines+ plugin.m(k) +1, plugin.maxDelay +1) + 1);
plugin.d(k)= (plugin.Dg(k)^2+plugin.g(k)^2)*x1_m0p + plugin.g(k)*x1_m1p- plugin.g(k)*plugin.y_a(k);
plugin.y_a(k) = plugin.d(k);
%generate time variant matrix
% f_n = A(n,:) * d'
plugin.f(n) = plugin.A(n,:) * plugin.d(:);
% v_n with pre delay
plugin.v(n) = plugin.b(n) * plugin.buffInput(mod(plugin.pBuffInput + plugin.preDelayS, (plugin.maxPreDelay * plugin.fs + 1)) + 1) ...
+ plugin.f(n); %An pe delay noch arbeiten
plugin.buffDelayLines(n, plugin.pBuffDelayLines + 1) = plugin.v(n);
% output lines
plugin.s(n) = plugin.c(n)* plugin.d(n);
out(i,:) = out(i,:) + real(plugin.s(n));
% Assign to output
out(i,1) = plugin.mix/100 * out(i,1) + (1.0 - plugin.mix/100) * in(i,1);
out(i,2) = plugin.mix/100 * out(i,2) + (1.0 - plugin.mix/100) * in(i,2);
Answers (2)
Walter Roberson
on 1 Dec 2024
you cannot implement those equations.
e(n) is defined in terms of d(n)
d(n) is defined in terms of e(n - something)
Substituting, e(n) is defined in terms of e(n - something)
This is infinite recursion, and so has no solution.
on 26 Dec 2024 at 18:05
One can attack this symbolically if the parameters in the problems aren't known. If they are, one can proceed numerically using the Control System Toolbox. Example of the latter
Define the constants, assume a 4 sample delay
g_0 = 0.5;
D_g0 = sqrt(3)/2;
zeta_0 = 1;
delta_m0 = 4;
Define the lti objects for the three equations
sys1 = ss([g_0,D_g0*zeta_0],'Ts',-1,'InputDelay',[delta_m0,0],'InputName',{'x1','d'},'OutputName','y1');
sys2 = ss([zeta_0*D_g0,-g_0],'Ts',-1,'InputDelay',[delta_m0,0],'InputName',{'x1','d'},OutputName = 'e');
sys3 = ss(1,'Ts',-1,'InputDelay',delta_m0,'InputName','e','OutputName','d');
Connect all together
sys = connect(sys1,sys2,sys3,'x1',{'y1','e','d'});
With the selected constants, the system from x1 to y1 is allpass
opts = bodeoptions;
opts.MagUnits = 'abs';
Plot the outputs with an input for x1
N = 50;
x1 = [ones(N/2,1);-ones(N/2,1)];
[z,k] = lsim(sys,x1);
y1 = z(:,1);e = z(:,2); d = z(:,3);
hold on
stem(k,e ,'DisplayName','e');
stem(k,d ,'DisplayName','d');
Check that the outputs satisfy the original difference equations.
x1s = @(n) interp1(k,x1,n,'linear',0);
es = @(n) interp1(k,e, n,'linear',0);
ds = @(n) interp1(k,d, n,'linear',0);
[norm(y1 - ( g_0*x1s(k-delta_m0) + D_g0*zeta_0*ds(k) ));
norm(e - ( D_g0*zeta_0*x1s(k-delta_m0) - g_0*ds(k) ));
norm(d - es(k-delta_m0))]
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