Inverse fft doesn't match analytical formulation

10 views (last 30 days)
shihao on 2 Dec 2024
Edited: Paul on 7 Dec 2024
I need to convert a function y=1/w^2 (y=0 at w=0) from frequency domain to real domain using inverse fourier transform.
The analytical solution of it is y=|x|/2. However, when I tried to use ifft, I cannot get the correct results.
I then manually coded a discrete inverse fourier transform and was able to reproduce the analytical formulation.
My own DIFT is slow so I still need the ifft. could anyone help identify the issue in my usage of ifft? Many thanks for your help!
Below are my code: (I didn't scale the results)
ffhandle = @(w) arrayfun(@(wi) (1 / wi^2) * (wi ~= 0) + (wi == 0) * 0, w); % define the function
%%% Total number of points in frequency domain (must be even)
N= 2^12;
%%% Computing length of reconstruction
L = 10;
%%% Delta Width for recovered data
W = L/(2*N);
m = ceil(L/W);
%%% Range of Frequency for DFT method
w0 = 31;
w1 = (-w0/2:w0/N:w0/2-w0/N);
fhat1 = feval(ffhandle,w1);
fhat1(N/2+1)=0; %remove singularity at zero
x = (-m*W-W/2:W:-W/2);
f = zeros(size(x));
dw = abs(w1(2)-w1(1));
for n = 1:length(w1)
f = f + (dw/(2*pi))*fhat1(n)*exp(1i*w1(n)*x); % this is my own ifft.
f2 = ifft(ifftshift(fhat1)); % this is matlab's ifft.
hold on
hold off
Paul on 2 Dec 2024
Well, this is very strange. For some reason i is being seen as an empty variable, instead of the the function that returns sqrt(-1).
which i
i is a variable.
whos i
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes i 0x0 0 double
i = []
We can get around this for now by using 1i in the expression for f
ffhandle = @(w) arrayfun(@(wi) (1 / wi^2) * (wi ~= 0) + (wi == 0) * 0, w); % define the function
%%% Total number of points in frequency domain (must be even)
N= 2^12;
%%% Computing length of reconstruction
L = 10;
%%% Delta Width for recovered data
W = L/(2*N);
m = ceil(L/W);
%%% Range of Frequency for DFT method
w0 = 31;
w1 = (-w0/2:w0/N:w0/2-w0/N);
fhat1 = feval(ffhandle,w1);
fhat1(N/2+1)=0; %remove singularity at zero
x = (-m*W-W/2:W:-W/2);
f = zeros(size(x));
dw = abs(w1(2)-w1(1));
for n = 1:length(w1)
f = f + (dw/(2*pi))*fhat1(n)*exp(1i*w1(n)*x); % this is my own ifft.
f2 = ifft(ifftshift(fhat1)); % this is matlab's ifft.
hold on
hold off
Is that the plot you see on 2022b and Matlab Online?
shihao on 2 Dec 2024
Hi Paul,
Yes this is exactly what I get.
The blue line (from f) is closer to the correct answer but the built in ifft (red line) cannot get the same results.
It would be great if you can check the difference. Much appreciated!

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Answers (3)

Torsten on 2 Dec 2024
Edited: Walter Roberson on 3 Dec 2024
syms w
F = 1/w^2;
ifourier(F); disp(char(ans))
  1 Comment
shihao on 2 Dec 2024
Hi Torsten,
Thanks for your help! The sysbolic operation is definetely a great way to crack the problem.
However, in my other problems I do need numerical ifft as the functions have no close-form expression.
Could you also help look at the implementation of my ifft? I think the difference lies in the treatment of frequency.
Thanks again and have a great day!

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Paul on 3 Dec 2024
Let's take things one step at a time and see where they lead. If we have Continous-Time Fourier Transform (CTFT)
F(w) = 1/w^2
then, as @Torsten showed,
f(x) = -abs(x)/2.
So that should basically be our target function for reconstruction.
However, we have that pesky problem of what to do at w = 0, which you've decided to specify F(0) = 0.
In your code, there really is no need to define fhandle that way with the subsequent call to feval. Just define a vectorized, anonymous function
F = @(w) (1 ./ w.^2) .* (w ~= 0) + (w == 0) .* 0;
But that still doesn't work for F(0)
ans = NaN
The reason that returned NaN is because
(1/0)*(0 ~= 0)
ans = NaN
What we need to do is turn that NaN into a zero (per your specification), which we can do using fillmissing, and we can shorten the expression because the (w == 0)*0 doesn't contribute
F = @(w) fillmissing( (1 ./ w.^2) .* (w ~= 0),'constant',0);
Let's check
w = [-0.7,0,0.3];
ans = 1×3
2.0408 0 11.1111
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
ans = 1×3
2.0408 Inf 11.1111
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
w0 = 31;
N = 2^12;
%w1 = (-w0/2:w0/N:w0/2-w0/N);w1([1,end])
n = ((-N/2):(N/2-1));
w1 = n/N*w0;
fhat1 = F(w1);
At this point, we are going to define the sample points for reconstruction of f(x)
L = 10;
W = L/(2*N);
m = ceil(L/W);
x = (-m*W-W/2:W:-W/2);
I'm not quite sure what the intent was in defining x this way, let's make sure it's correct in terms of number of samples and their values. Note that x has more points than w1.
ans = 8193
x([1 end])
ans = 1×2
-10.0006 -0.0006
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
Should x be assymetric like that?
Continuing, it looks like the next section is the a numerical approximation to the inverse CTFT integral.
% this line is vectorized trapezoidal integration
%f = 1/2/pi*trapz(w1,fhat1.*exp(1j*w1.*x(:)),2);
% rectangular integration with a loop
f = zeros(size(x));
dw = abs(w1(2)-w1(1));
for ii = 1:length(w1)
f = f + (dw/(2*pi))*fhat1(ii)*exp(1i*w1(ii)*x); % this is my own ifft.
Need to plot against x
Stopping here for now ...
Paul on 6 Dec 2024
Suppose we have a continuous time signal x(t) with Fourier tranform X(w). The Fourier transform of the uniformly-impulse-sampled version of x(t) with sampling period Xs is X_p(w), which is the periodic extenstion of X(w) with period 2*pi/Xs. Now if we take N uniformly spaced samples of X_p (w) over one period, those samples will be spaced by dw = 2*pi/Xs/N.
One interpreration of fft/ifft is that the inputs to those functions are one period of a periodic signal and they each return one period of a periodic signal. By convention, the input to fft/ifft is the period of the signal that starts at 0. Here, we have fhat1 defined over -31/2 < w < 31/2 as one period of a periodic signal. So on input to ifft we have to ifftshift to get the single period from 0 < w < 31, which you had in your original code. Now the output of ifft is one period of the signal defined over 0 < x < N*xs, which is basically what you got, i.e., the period of the output over 0 < x < 900 (approximately), refer to the "three period" plot in my previous comment. So we have to fftshift the output of ifft to get to the "central" period, which is what we want.
I don't think the periodicity can be avoided once we go down the sampling path. Sampling in one domain, (frequency in this case), results in periodicity in the other domain (space in this case).
There is a sign error in your trial problem. It is true that Y(w) = -1/w^2, but the inverse transform of that is: abs(x)/2 (w/o a negative sign).
So you have closed-form expressions for the Fourier transform Y(w), but you can't find the closed form expression for y(t)? Can you give a simple example of such a Y(w)?
Paul on 6 Dec 2024
Edited: Paul on 7 Dec 2024
An approach that seems to work o.k. for this problem, within a constant, is to shift in the frequency domain to avoid sampling the frequency domain signal at the singularity.
F = @(w) -1./w.^2; % based on the example differential equation above
n = 2^12;
N = 2*n+1;
w0 = 31;
w = (-n:n)*w0/N;
dw = w(2) - w(1);
dx = 2*pi/N/dw;
x = (-n:n)*dx;
Fshift = @(w) F(w - dw/2); % shift by half of a dw
Shift in frequency domain is multiplication by exp in the time domain
fhatshift = Fshift(w);
f = fftshift(ifft(ifftshift(fhatshift))).*exp(-1j*dw/2*x)/dx;
Imaginary part of f is small, throw it away
ans = 3.8550e-11
f = real(f);
If we posit that the true answer should be 0 at x = 0, then we can offset f by
ans = -415.1257
However, if we compare to the target fuction and zoom in very tight we do see that the reconstruction isn't perfect and has oscilations.

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David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson on 6 Dec 2024
Edited: David Goodmanson on 6 Dec 2024
Hi SW,
There is a sign error in your transform pair, which should be
1/w^2 <--> -|x|/2 not 1/w^2 <--> |x|/2
As has been noted, that transform pair is not well suited to the fft & ifft. That's because
o The fft represents a periodic function that repeats with a periodicity of the width of the window (as in Paul's example above). That periodicity is inevitable. If the function is, for example a cosine wave that fits exactly into the window, then the periodicity is natural. At other times, say with a parabola, it is forced.
o Any function can be made to repeat, but if f(x) at the left boundary of the window and f(x) at the right boundary of the window do not agree in both value and derivatives, that represents a discontinuity in f(x). The discontinuity can affect the fourier transform and obscure the result you are looking for, sometimes by a lot. In the present case the |x| values do agree on the right and left boundaries, but their first derivatives do not.
o If the both function and its transform fall off to negligible values at the edges of the window, such as the pair of gaussians e^(-x^2) and e^(-w^2), then fft & ifft will (usually) work to good precision. In the present case while 1/w^2 can be made to fall off reasonably well, obviously |x| does not.
Even if the fft & ifft didn't have those deficiencies, I don't think the technique of setting the value of 1/w^2 to 0 at w = 0 is a good way to go about it. For a function g(w) that approximates 1/w^2, you want the transform
Int{-inf,inf} g(w) e^(iwx) dw = |-x|/2.
When x = 0, we have
Int{-inf,inf} g(w) dw = 0.
and this can only happen if the integrand g(w) has regions of both signs. Setting 1/w^2 to 0 at w = 0 leaves an integrand that is positive everywhere else on the w axis. So you cannot possibly attain an integral of 0 when x = 0. The removal idea is on the right track but method below does something similar in a more predictable way.
In the following, continuous functions are used as a model for what goes on, with the normalization
Int f(x) e^(-iwx) dx = g(w) (1/2pi) Int g(w) e^(iwx) dw = f(x) (3)
and all integrals are from -inf to inf.
First of all, the transform
Int 1/w^2 e^(-iwx) dx = -|x|/2
can't really be true because for x = 0 you are looking for a result of 0, but the integral of 1/w^2 is infinite. There has to be a limiting process involving functions f(x,eps) and g(k,eps) such that
as eps-> 0, f(x,eps) -> -|x|/2, for fixed x (e1)
and as eps-> 0, g(w,eps) -> 1/w^2, for fixed w (e2)
examples (e1) (-1/2) sqrt(x^2 + eps^2)
(e2) 1/(w^2 + eps^2)
Define h(x) as the heaviside function and let
f(x) = h(x) e^(-eps x)
which is a falling expontential for x>0. The transform pair is
h(x) e^(-eps x) <--> 1/(eps + iw)
and for the rising exponential for x<0, the transform pair is
h(-x) e^(eps x) <--> 1/(eps - iw)
(No actual work to get the second one since for a given transform you can get another transform with x -> -x & w -> -w).
Adding these we arrive at the pair
e^(-eps |x|) <--> 2eps/(w^2 + eps^2)
If both sides are divided by 2eps, the right hand side goes as (e2) above, but the left hand side doesn't work. Something similar to this has been used on this thread, but the results show functions that do not equal 0 when x = 0.
The situation can be fixed by taking the derivative of this transform pair w/r/t eps, The result is the pair
f(x) g(w)
(-|x|/2) e^(-eps |x|) <--> (w^2 - eps^2)/(w^2 + eps^2)^2
which satisfies both (e1) and (e2). And it can be checked with ifft, remembering the limitations of fft & ifft.
The first plot shows an expanded view of g(w), which does integrate to zero. The positive parts fall off like w^-2, and the large negative spike is reminiscent of what you were doing when setting the function equal to 0 at w = 0. The domain of w is -1e4 to 1e4, so this plot is a closeup indeed.
The second plot is f(x), which does behave as -|x|/2 at the origin as you can see. The function tries, but before too long it falls away from the -|x|/2 line.
% w domain function
delw = .1; % w grid spacing
n = 1e5;
w = (-n:n)*delw;
N = 2*n+1; % number of fft points
delx = 2*pi/(delw*N); % x grid spacing; fft golden rule is delx*delw = 2*pi/N
eps = 1/3;
g = (w.^2-eps^2)./(w.^2+eps^2).^2;
title('g(w) closeup')
xlim([-10 10])
% x domain function
x = (-n:n)*delx;
y = fftshift(ifft(ifftshift(g)))*N*(1/(2*pi))*delw;
% factor of N since ifft automatically multiplies by 1/N and we are doing
% things differently.
% factor of 1/2pi from normalization (3) in the text.
% factor of delw to approxmate the ifft sum by an integral.
% ifftshift puts the point corresponding to w=0 at the bottom of the array
% where ifft needs it to be; fftshift puts the x = 0 point into the middle
% of the array for display purposes
legend('y(x)', '- abs(x)/2')
title('y(x) closeup')
xlim([-.03 .03])


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