How to Output Updated Parameters Value in ode Integration Process When the odeEvent is triggered ?

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I was working on multi-body systems collision simulation utilize ode MATLAB function and odeEvent function.
The impact between two body was built as a event using odeEvent MATLAB function.
The impact event will change some parameters which are incorporated in the governing equations of motion such as ydot=f(t,y,P).
I want to output the updated parameters when the impact event is triggered using fprintf function in the EventCallback function illustrated as follows :
function [stop,Ye,Pout] = impactEventCallback(te,ye,ie,Pin)
% ... parameters updating process
fprintf("The updated parameters are : %e", Pout)
However, when I simulate the impact process, there is no output display.
Can anyone give me some advices about how to output parameters when the impact event is triggered.
Chuguang Pan
Chuguang Pan on 27 Dec 2024
@sai charan sampara thanks for your reply, I find that the issue is just as you said. I set the "Response" to "proceed". After I set it to "callback", it worked correctly!

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Accepted Answer

sai charan sampara
sai charan sampara on 27 Dec 2024
Hi Chuguang,
The call back function is called whenever the event occurs, only if the "Response" parameter is set to "callback". If the "Response" parameter is set to "proceed" then the solver logs the event and continues integrating. So to resolve your issue change the "odeEvent" definition as follows:
E = odeEvent("EventFcn",@(t,Y,P) impactEvent(t,Y,P),"Direction","ascending","CallbackFcn",@(te,Ye,ie,P) impactEventCallback(te,Ye,ie,P),"Response","callback");

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