input comma separated values to a matrix

7 views (last 30 days)
I need a shove in the right direction:
How do I ask the user for some numerical values that are separated by a comma? For example "Enter the numbers, separated by a comma"
Then the user would enter "1,2,3" and these numbers would go into a matrix
Second question: There isn't a go to statement in Matlab, right?

Accepted Answer

Chandra Kurniawan
Chandra Kurniawan on 2 Dec 2011
Of course it can be done.
clear; clc;
answers = input('Enter the numbers, separated by a comma : ','s');
str = regexprep(answers,',',' ');
num = str2num(str)
And about go to statement, Matlab don't have go to statement.
Frank on 2 Dec 2011
Many thanks. I had not idea where to start. All I have is a Matlab textbook and this forum.
Robert Cumming
Robert Cumming on 2 Dec 2011
You could also use
num = strread ( answers, '%f', 'delimiter', ',' );

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