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binary to decimal conversion

5 views (last 30 days)
anika hossain
anika hossain on 16 Sep 2015
Commented: Walter Roberson on 17 Sep 2015
i have an array wr(i,j) that is 256X8 in binary. now i need to convert it to decimal. so after conversion the size should be 16x16. i am using bi2de() function but i am unsuccessful to do it. how can i do it?

Accepted Answer

Guillaume on 17 Sep 2015
Edited: Guillaume on 17 Sep 2015
Note that in theory, conversions to string and back are much slower than purely manipulating numbers. With matlab treating numbers as double by default, it may not save you anything but I would consider bypassing the usage of strings and dec2bin altogether. The code would be:
wr = false(256, 8); %predeclare array for better performance
for row = 1:256 %avoid using i and j, they're functions defined by matlab
for col = 1:8
wr(row, col) = round(RU(4, 4, m)) == calc; %no need for if either. just logical assignment
wr = sum(bsxfun(@times, 2.^(7:-1:0), wr), 2);
wr = reshape(wr, [16 16]); %not sure why you want to do that.
anika hossain
anika hossain on 17 Sep 2015
as i said, i was saving 1/0 as char in wr(row,col), thats why your code did not work for me. now as per your explanation i am saving it as number and your code works perfectly. thanks
Guillaume on 17 Sep 2015
Well, the whole idea is to never go near a char, as string manipulations are typically order of magnitude slower than just numbers.

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More Answers (1)

Kirby Fears
Kirby Fears on 16 Sep 2015
Edited: Kirby Fears on 16 Sep 2015
Hi Anika,
I used the following code to convert a 16x16 matrix to binary (256x8) and back with no problems. Please check that you are calling the bin2dec function correctly and wr(i,j) is a "char" array of 1's and 0's. It would help if you post your code, your binary array, and your error message.
anika hossain
anika hossain on 17 Sep 2015
should not the 256x8 char array be converted to 16x16 array after using 'bin2dec()' function? i thought i could do that, if what to do?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 17 Sep 2015
No, bin2dec converts N x M arrays to column arrays of length N. You need to reshape() the result to whatever size you want.

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