how to search for multiple words anywhere in the sentence ?
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I want to search for three words "Battery , power , failure" the three must exist in the sentence in any order to copy the cell .
I try :
idx = cellfun('isclass',D,'char');
idx(idx)=~cellfun('isempty',regexpi(D(idx),'battery|power|failure')) ;
data = alldata(any(idx,2),:);
Notdata = alldata(~any(idx,2),:); %save rows which didn't contain
but it search for any cell contains for one of the three.
how i can search for the cells contains the three words in any order?
Answers (3)
the cyclist
on 19 Sep 2015
The most straightforward way, it seems to me, is to do the regexp search three times, once for each word, and then copy the cells where all three match. I am not sure there is a way to do an "and" match in the same way one can do an "or" match like you have done.
per isakson
on 19 Sep 2015
Edited: per isakson
on 20 Sep 2015
Try this
sentence_1 = 'abc battery def power ghi failure';
typo_str_1 = 'abc battery def power ghi faiXure';
sentence_2 = 'Battery def power ghi failure.';
typo_str_2 = 'abc Xbattery def power ghi failure';
words = {'battery','power','failure'};
is1 = cellfun( @(str) not(isempty(regexpi( sentence_1, ['\<',str,'\>'] ))), words );
is2 = cellfun( @(str) not(isempty(regexpi( typo_str_1, ['\<',str,'\>'] ))), words );
is3 = cellfun( @(str) not(isempty(regexpi( sentence_2, ['\<',str,'\>'] ))), words );
is4 = cellfun( @(str) not(isempty(regexpi( typo_str_2, ['\<',str,'\>'] ))), words );
A different approach
>> cssm(1)
Elapsed time is 0.001078 seconds.
ans =
1 0 0 1 0 0
>> cssm(1e3);
Elapsed time is 0.791887 seconds.
function has_all_three = cssm( N )
sentence_1 = 'Abc battery def power ghi failure.';
typo_str_1 = 'Abc battery def power ghi faiXure.';
multistr_1 = 'Abc battery def power ghi battery.';
sentence_2 = 'Battery def failure ghi power jkl.';
typo_str_2 = 'Abc Xbattery def power ghi failure';
multistr_2 = 'Abc power def power ghi power jkl.';
test_sentences = {sentence_1,typo_str_1,multistr_1,sentence_2,typo_str_2,multistr_2};
text_corp = repmat( test_sentences, [N,1] );
cac = regexpi( text_corp, ['\<(battery)|(power)|(failure)\>'], 'match' );
has_all_three = cellfun( @(c) length(unique(lower(c)))==3, cac );
Amr Hashem
on 20 Sep 2015
1 Comment
on 22 Sep 2015
This can be simplified as developed in my answer. I move it below as a comment:
Here is an alternate solution:
keywords = {'battery', 'power', 'failure'} ;
allCells = {'V_batterypowerfailure', 'I_batterypwerfailure'; ...
'V_batterypowerfailure', 'I_atterypowerfailure'; ...
'I_batterypowerfailre', 'V_batterypowerfailure'} ;
ids = 1 : numel( allCells ) ;
for k = 1 : numel( keywords )
isFound = ~cellfun( 'isempty', strfind( allCells(ids), keywords{k} )) ;
ids = ids(isFound) ;
validCells = allCells(ids) ;
You'll notice that it works on a pool of cells which reduces with the keyword index (as when a keyword is not found, there is no point in testing the others). I started valid entries of the dummy data set with V_ and invalid entries with I_ to simplify the final check.
If you need a case-insensitive solution, replace
strfind( allCells(ids), keywords{k} )
regexpi( allCells(ids), keywords{k}, 'once' )
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