Basic ODE question

5 views (last 30 days)
Seth on 4 Mar 2011
Answered: jagathi medempudi on 27 Aug 2020's been quite a while since I solved any systems of ODEs and I am admittedly very rusty. I am hoping there is a simple answer to this question:
I have a coupled system of ODEs:
Solve from c=[0 1]
Initial conditions: Ao=100, vo=0.5
How can I set this up in a Matlab function? Thanks for any advice!

Accepted Answer

Matt Tearle
Matt Tearle on 5 Mar 2011
  1. Write a function that defines the rate equations. The system should now look like z' = f(c,z), where z = [A;v]. Write your function file so that it takes c and a vector z as inputs, and returns a vector dz that represents the derivatives ([A';v'])
  2. Use ode45 to solve the system, giving a function handle to you function from step 2 as input, as well as the vector of start and end values for c and the initial conditions z0 = [A0;v0].
  3. Extract the components of the solution returned by ode45 to plot as a function of c (also returned by ode45). (If A and v are on the same scale, you could just do plot(c,z))
Your question is mainly about step 1. So write a function file
function dz = functionname(c,z)
dz = zeros(size(z));
% extract components of z (ie A & c)
% define dz(1) according to the equation for dA/dc
% define dz(2) according to the equation for dv/dc

More Answers (3)

Seth on 7 Mar 2011
Solved the problem by simply decoupling and doing two independent ODE45 solves instead of treating as a system of equations. I understand this is not the best way - but worked fine for my problem.
Thanks Matt for the help.

SHOBHIT KUMAR on 9 Jun 2019
can we not just do this and find the solution from gtaph and get the answer?
ezplot(sol,[-2 2])
hold on;
ezplot(s,[-2 2])
Please answer

jagathi medempudi
jagathi medempudi on 27 Aug 2020
What is the mat lab command for solving differential equation
Select one:
a. differentiation
b. dsolve
c. int
d. diff

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