Warning when start Simulink in Matlab r2015b

1 view (last 30 days)
Hello everyone. I have a problem when i open simulink. I put the screen capture and I hope it could be solved because I have problems with this warnings.
Thanks a lot for your help.
David Duarte
David Duarte on 3 Mar 2016
You have fixed the problem? Because i have the same problem and i needed help to.

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Answers (1)

Subin Kuttappan Stellal Mary
Edited: Subin Kuttappan Stellal Mary on 9 Feb 2016
This might be caused due to a well known Java 7 issue where an operating system's IPv6 configuration prevents IPv4 loopback. That fails connector startup. A common workaround is setting "java.net.preferIPv4Stack" to "true" so JVM check IPv4 first. The setting may be applied through java.opts or _JAVA_OPTIONS.
Some relevant links:
1) https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/ConnectException
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Sandeep Hanwate
Sandeep Hanwate on 23 Jan 2017
I couldn't understand what is the solution for problem. Even I am also getting the same error while opening R2015b simulink as like follows,
"Warning: An error occurred trying to load the Simulink HMI engine. Possible reasons include pressing Ctrl+C or running MATLAB with the -nojvm option. Close and re-open any open any Simulink models to assure proper functioning. For proper functioning of Simulink HMI and the Simulation Data Inspector, the JVM is required. > In slxPackager/partDefHmi In slxPackager/registerHandler In slxPackager/executeLoadCallbacks In slprivate (line 11) In load_system (line 21) In libbrowse2 (line 21) Warning: An error occurred trying to load the Simulink HMI engine. Possible reasons include pressing Ctrl+C or running MATLAB with the -nojvm option. Close and re-open any open any Simulink models to assure proper functioning. For proper functioning of Simulink HMI and the Simulation Data Inspector, the JVM is required. > In DAStudio.warning (line 28) In slxPackager/partDefHmi In slxPackager/registerHandler In slxPackager/executeLoadCallbacks In slprivate (line 11) In load_system (line 21) In libbrowse2 (line 21)"

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