Cannot run kernel - Simulink Desktop Real-time

11 views (last 30 days)
Willian Costa
Willian Costa on 5 Feb 2016
Answered: Vandit on 28 Sep 2024
When I try to use the Desktop-Real-Time/Stream input in the simulink, and start a simulation, it apears a error message like "cannot acess kernel". Why do this happen? How it can be solved? Thanks! The error message is: "Hardware time cannot be allocated. Real time kernel cannot run"
Michal Gála
Michal Gála on 25 Jan 2018
Hi Willian, did you fix this error? I have the same problem and I don't know how to fix it. Thanks.
Khush Bakhat Sawaiba
Khush Bakhat Sawaiba on 21 Apr 2021
I think, this is the issue with matlab version.. it will work with 2018b and later versions

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Answers (1)

Vandit on 28 Sep 2024
Hello Willian,
The error you are encountering is often due to hardware or software incompatibility between the real-time kernel and either the operating system or the computer's mainboard, which results in the inability to allocate a hardware timer. To ensure compatibility between the real-time kernel and the latest operating system updates, please consider using the most recent releases of MATLAB and Simulink Desktop Real-Time, as improvements are continually made with each new version.
You might find it helpful to refer to the MATLAB Answers thread below, which discusses a similar issue:
Hope this helps.

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