GUI and COM port interface

1 view (last 30 days)
MrPuzzled Marc
MrPuzzled Marc on 8 Mar 2011
Hi, I have a question. May I can I know how to communicate serial com port with GUI push button? For eg: s=serial('COM15')into the GUI push button so when I clicked on it will directly connect to the com port.Thanks in advance.

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 8 Mar 2011
Open the serial port and save the resulting object in to a convenient location (such as in a handles structure), and then in the callback for the object, retrieve the stored object and use it to read from or write to.
MrPuzzled Marc
MrPuzzled Marc on 8 Mar 2011
I do not get you in the last 2 reply.I seem puzzled. Could you explain more?Do you have any example that can refer?
MrPuzzled Marc
MrPuzzled Marc on 8 Mar 2011
I tried using handles=getappdata(serial('COM15')); on the push button M-file.However error occurs. It says conversion of double from serial is not possible.

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