How to classify the human postures of sitting and standing from video input?

3 views (last 30 days)
Currently i have done human detection on input from webcam. It puts a rectangle bounding box around the person and the centroid of the box is shown too. How to proceed further to detect the sitting and standing posture?
vid = videoinput('winvideo', 1);
for i=1:10
misc = getsnapshot(vid);
bg = misc;
X = im2double(misc);
misc = (X(:,:,1)+X(:,:,2)+X(:,:,3));
misc(misc==0) = 0.001;
X(:,:,1) = X(:,:,1)./misc;
X(:,:,2) = X(:,:,2)./misc;
DlgH = figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
H = uicontrol('Style', 'PushButton', ...
'String', 'Close', ...
'Callback', 'delete(gcbf)');
while (ishandle(H))
mov = getsnapshot(vid);
subplot(1,2,1), imshow(mov); %1. show current frame%
title('Current Frame');
X1 = im2double(mov);
misc = (X1(:,:,1)+X1(:,:,2)+X1(:,:,3));
misc(misc==0) = 0.001;
X1(:,:,1) = X1(:,:,1)./misc;
X1(:,:,2) = X1(:,:,2)./misc;
A = imabsdiff (X,X1);
A (A<0.27) = 0; %threshold for background subtraction figure 2%
A (A>=0.27) = 1;
Res = imdilate (A,ones(9));
GX = rgb2gray(bg);
GX1 = rgb2gray(mov);
FD = im2double(imabsdiff(GX,GX1));
%subplot(2,2,2), imshow(FD); %2. show foreground%
FD(FD<(0.10)) = 0; %threshold for figure 3%
FD(FD>=(0.10)) = 1;
DR = imdilate(FD,ones(9));
re = imfill(DR,'holes');
finalRes(:,:,1) = Res(:,:,1).*re;
finalRes(:,:,2) = Res(:,:,2).*re;
finalRes(:,:,3) = Res(:,:,3).*re;
%subplot(2,2,3), imshow(finalRes); %3. show processed foreground%
boundaries = bwboundaries(rgb2gray(imclose(finalRes,ones(3))));
bndrSize = size(boundaries);
% subplot(2,2,1:2)
subplot(1,2,2), imshow(mov); %4. show final frame%
title('Human detection');
hold on
for k = 1:bndrSize(1)
bnd = boundaries{k};
RB2 = max(bnd);
LT2 = min(bnd);
w = RB2(2)-LT2(2);
h = RB2(1)-LT2(1);
x1 = LT2(2);
y1 = LT2(1);
x2 = LT2(2)+w;
y2 = LT2(1)+h;
x3 = (x1 +x2)/2;
y3 = (y1 + y2)/2;
if (max(RB2-LT2)>100) %with rectangle over them. adjust this to cover only large objects, small values will cover smaller objects %

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