Multivariate Regression with coeffcients constrained to lie on a k polynom

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I would like to run a regression of age cohorts in % (x1,x2,x3) on the a return level (20yr time series), including a control variable in the regression for the interest rate level. The coefficients of these age cohorts are constrained to satisfy a polynomial of order k. The coefficients are in addition constrained to sum to 0. Any help much appreciated.

Answers (1)

Roger Wohlwend
Roger Wohlwend on 18 Mar 2016
You have to use optimization for your Problem. Use the Matlab function fmincon.
  1 Comment
Oli on 25 Apr 2016
Roger, thank you very much. It would be very helpful if you could be a little bit more specific. I guess I have to use the function polyfit in connection with fmincon. But how can I combine the multivariate regression (5 age cohorts: 1-10y, 10-40y,40-60y,60-70y, 70y+) on variable y over 20 time periods with the constraint that the 5 variables should lie on a 3th order polynomial and constrained in sum to 1? I am struggling how to construct the logic of this function. Any advice would be very much appreciated.

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