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Why is nothing being stored in the "Workspace" after I run my code?

16 views (last 30 days)
I have a video processing code, its an ALPR program I am working on. But every time I run the code, none of the usual stuff that is stored in the Workspace of Matlab is getting stored. What could be the cause of this?

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 24 Mar 2016
You're running a function instead of a script. The variables in the function are local and vanish once you exit the function. If you want to see what their values are, set a breakpoint on the last line of your function, just before it exits.

More Answers (1)

Stalin Samuel
Stalin Samuel on 24 Mar 2016
Possibly if you run the functions the variables will not stored in work space. Only the returned variables stored .If you not returned any values then nothing will be stored


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