i am finding an error when i am executing the following code. kindly help me out?
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error in 91 line.
DWT - SVD Watermarking
function [psnr_values, psnr2dB_values] = dwt_svd()
% clear workspace
clear all;
close all;
%change directory
folder_name = uigetdir(pwd, 'Select Directory Where the .m Files Reside');
if ( folder_name ~= 0 )
if ( strcmp(pwd, folder_name) == 0 )
% read cover image & watermark logo
[cover_fname, cover_pthname] = ...
uigetfile('*.jpg; *.png; *.tif; *.bmp', 'Select the Cover Image');
if (cover_fname ~= 0)
cover_image = strcat(cover_pthname, cover_fname);
cover_image = double( rgb2gray( imread( cover_image ) ) );
cover_image = imresize(cover_image, [512 512], 'bilinear');
[watermark_fname, watermark_pthname] = ...
uigetfile('*.jpg; *.png; *.tif; *.bmp', 'Select the Watermark Logo');
if (watermark_fname ~= 0)
watermark_logo = strcat(watermark_pthname, watermark_fname);
watermark_logo = double( im2bw( rgb2gray( imread( watermark_logo ) ) ) );
watermark_logo = imresize(watermark_logo, [512 512], 'bilinear');
% Set constant variables
numOfKeys = 20;
gaussian_plot = true;
print_figures = false;
if (gaussian_plot == false)
secret_key = 3; % random secret key
watermarked_image = watermark_embedding(cover_image, watermark_logo, ...
secret_key, print_figures);
watermark_extraction(watermarked_image, watermark_logo, secret_key, ...
print_figures, true);
% Set function parameters to not print any plots and not to do any
% signature authentication
% print_figures = false;
% Pre-allocate matrices
psnr_values = zeros(1, numOfKeys);
psnr2dB_values = zeros(1, numOfKeys);
decoded_correct = zeros(1, numOfKeys);
decoded_wrong = zeros(1, numOfKeys);
% [m, n] = size(watermark_logo);
% correctWatermarkDiff = zeros(1, m*n);
wrongWatermarkDiff = zeros(1, length(watermark_logo));
for key = 1:numOfKeys
% Embedding with the right key
[watermarked_image, original_signature] = ...
watermark_embedding(cover_image, watermark_logo, key, print_figures);
watermarked_images_dir = strcat(pwd, '\watermarked_images\', num2str(key), '.png');
imwrite(uint8(watermarked_image), watermarked_images_dir, 'png');
% Transform the original watermrak (i.e. the original signature) to
% the interval [-1, 1]
original_signature(find(original_signature == 0)) = -1;
% Measure the degree of distortion of the original and the watermarked
% image using PSNR (dB)
psnr_values(key) = psnr(cover_image, watermarked_image);
psnr2dB_values(key) = pow2db(psnr_values(key));
% Detection with the right key, message_correct is actually the
% watermark_logo because in essence that's what I'm hidding in the
% cover image. Whereas the watermark_correct is actually the signature
% which helps in the detection of false acceptance and false
% rejection
[~, ~, recon_sig_corr, LL4, HH4] = ...
watermark_extraction(watermarked_image, watermark_logo, key, ...
print_figures, true);
% transform the watermark_correct(i.e. the reconstructed_signature)
% and the watermark_wrong(i.e. the wrong reconstructed signature)
% to the interval [-1, 1]
recon_sig_corr(find(recon_sig_corr == 0)) = -1;
LL4 = LL4(:)';
HH4 = HH4(:)';
LL4 = LL4 - mean(LL4);
HH4 = HH4 - mean(HH4);
comb_HH4_LL4 = [LL4 HH4];
% decoded_correct(key) = (abs(comb_HH4_LL4) * recon_sig_corr')/512^2;
% decoded_correct(key) = sum(comb_HH4_LL4 .* recon_sig_corr)/512^2;
% Detection with the wrong key
[~, watermark_wrong, recon_sig_wrng, LL4wr, HH4wr] = ...
watermark_extraction(watermarked_image, watermark_logo, key+11, ...
print_figures, false);
watermark_wrong(find(watermark_wrong == 0)) = -1;
LL4wr = LL4wr(:)';
HH4wr = HH4wr(:)';
LL4wr = LL4wr - mean(LL4wr);
HH4wr = HH4wr - mean(HH4wr);
combwr_HH4_LL4 = [LL4wr HH4wr];
% decoded_wrong(key) = (abs(combwr_HH4_LL4) * watermark_wrong')/512^2;
% decoded_wrong(key) = sum(watermark_wrong .* original_signature)/512;
% Keep track of the correlation between the watermark_correct and
% the watermark_wrong
correlation_correct = corrcoef(comb_HH4_LL4, recon_sig_corr);
decoded_correct(key) = correlation_correct(2, 1);
correlation_wrong = corrcoef(combwr_HH4_LL4, watermark_wrong);
decoded_wrong(key) = correlation_wrong(2, 1);
% Calculate the difference between the correct extracted watermarks and
% the original watermark and the wrong extracted watermarks and the orignal
% correctKeyWatermarkDiff(key, :) = watermark_wrong - original_signature;
wrongWatermarkDiff(key, :) = watermark_wrong - original_signature;
clear('watermark_correct', 'comb_HH4_LL4', 'watermark_wrong', ...
'combwr_HH4_LL4', 'original_signature', ...
'LL4', 'HH4', 'LL4wr', 'HH4wr');
% Clear workspace
clear('watermark_logo_row', 'watermark_logo_extracted_correct', ...
'watermark_logo_extracted_wrong', 'watermarked_image', ...
'watermark_correct', 'watermark_wrong', 'message_correct', ...
'message_wrong', 'watermarked_image');
meanOfDecodCorr = mean(decoded_correct);
stdOfDecodCorr = std(decoded_correct);
meanOfDecodWrng = mean(decoded_wrong);
stdOfDecodWrng = std(decoded_wrong);
gaussians(meanOfDecodCorr, stdOfDecodCorr, meanOfDecodWrng, stdOfDecodWrng);
[Pfa, Pfr] = PfaPfr(meanOfDecodCorr, stdOfDecodCorr, meanOfDecodWrng, stdOfDecodWrng, numOfKeys);
% Measure bit error rate, and plot against threshold T of pfa,
% where T = pfa/pfr. Or equivalently plot BER & E versus pfa
BER = BitErrorRate(wrongWatermarkDiff);
Accepted Answer
on 22 Apr 2016
Edited: Jan
on 22 Apr 2016
Please read the message. It tells you the exact line (while we can only guess which is the line 91) and even the character, which is the problem: There is a parenthesis, brace or bracket, which is closed before another one was opened. I assume, this problem should be easy to fix.
Perhaps this is the offending line:
[~, ~, recon_sig_corr, LL4, HH4] = ...
If you use an older Matlab version <=R2009a, the "~" are not allowed. Replace this by:
[dummy, dummy, recon_sig_corr, LL4, HH4] = ...
If this is the problem, if appears in the line "[~, watermark_wrong, recon_sig_wrng, LL4wr, HH4wr] = ..." also.
PS. A clear all on the top of a function is a waste of time, energy and power. There is simply no reason for a brutal clearing of an empty workspace.
on 22 Apr 2016
Edited: Jan
on 22 Apr 2016
The error "??? Undefined function or method 'decimalToBinaryVector'" means, that you do not have this function in your Matlab path. When such a message appears, asking an internet search engine is a good idea. This reveals, that this function belongs to the Data Acquisition Toolbox: http://www.mathworks.com/help/daq/ref/decimaltobinaryvector.html . Do you have this toolbox? You can write this function by your own easily. Look at dec2bin and omit the final conversion to a char.
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