Execute programm on Rasberry, DONT wait for answer
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Hey guys, im executing a bash file on my raspberry with that matlab command
system(mypi,'bash ~/spidev/ex.sh')
The bashfile removes some old files and than executes a C-Code. My Problem is that matlab is waiting for the program to finish. I tried this:
system(mypi,'bash ~/spidev/ex.sh &')
but its still waiting. If i enter the same command to the terminal manually, the raspberry doesnt wait for the answer. Any ideas how to send only the command and instantly proceeding with my own matlab-code???
Answers (1)
Andrew Bliss
on 13 Jun 2016
I haven't used matlab with a Raspberry, so I'm not familiar with the system syntax you're using (the 'mypi' argument). Can you run something simple like 'dir' or 'ls' and get what you'd expect?
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