take rows from one matrix and put in output matrix

2 views (last 30 days)
I am trying take the values from matrix a and place them in Matrix B as the rules are iterated. % a value of 1 reperesnts a car in the cell and 0 represents %and empty space% a=zeros(2,100); newa=zeros(2,100);
g=1; max=100; a(1,50)=1; a(2,30)=1; B(1,:);(2,:)=a; B=a;
while (g<max), for i=2:99 if a(ij+1)==0, newa(ij+1)=1 else newa(ij)=0;
end end g=g+1; a=newa; b=newb; B(g,:)=a;
end spy(B),
  1 Comment
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 15 Feb 2012
Don't override max() (use it as your own local variable) - it's a built-in function.

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Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 15 Feb 2012
If B and A are the same number of rows
B(:, columnNumberB) = A(:, ColumnNumberA);
This replaces the entire column "columnNumberB" in array B with what's in "columNumberA" of array A.
I don't know what "as the rules are iterated" means

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