Clear Filters
Clear Filters

while running an old script I recieved the following note: Error occurred loading: C:\Users\u​ser\AppDat​a\Local\Ma​thWorks\MA​TLAB\R2014​b\toolbox_​cache-8.4.​0-98507813​8-win64.xm​l Cache file ignored.

1 view (last 30 days)
While running an old script I received the following comment: "Error occurred loading: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\MathWorks\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox_cache-8.4.0-985078138-win64.xml Cache file ignored." May it be because I changed the operating system to Windows 10?

Answers (1)

Friedrich on 11 Jul 2016
I would say regenerating the toolbox cache should help. Just execute:
>>rehash toolboxcache
to do so.


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