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Create a Matrix from a cell array

3 views (last 30 days)
Thimiod Athan
Thimiod Athan on 22 Sep 2016
Edited: Stephen23 on 22 Sep 2016


I want to create a matrix from a cell with the below:

cell(1,2)='2 of 5 stars,2 of 5 stars,4 of 5 stars,2 of 5 stars' 
cell(2,1)='Value,Location,Sleep Quality,Rooms,Cleanliness,Service'   
cell(2,2)='5 of 5 stars,5 of 5 stars,5 of 5 stars,5 of 5 stars,5 of 5 stars,5 of 5 stars' 
cell(3,1)='Location,Rooms,Cleanliness,Service'	cell(3,2)='4 of 5 stars,1 of 5 stars,3 of 5 stars,4 of 5 stars' 


I want to combine each characteristic for example location with each rating for example in cell(2,2) is 5 in cell(3,2) is 4. This ratings should be at the same column. If the rating doesn't appear for example the location in the first raw the matrix will take the number 10.

Do you have any ideas?

Thank you.

  1 Comment
Stephen23 on 22 Sep 2016
Edited: Stephen23 on 22 Sep 2016
This might be answered best by improving how this data is imported into MATLAB, as textscan or importdata might be able to do this quite easily. Are those data imported from a file?

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Accepted Answer

Guillaume on 22 Sep 2016
Your post is not very clear, not help with the fact that your example does not use valid matlab syntax. Possibly, that's what you want:
ratings = {'Value,Rooms,Cleanliness,Service', '2 of 5 stars,2 of 5 stars,4 of 5 stars,2 of 5 stars'; ...
'Value,Location,Sleep Quality,Rooms,Cleanliness,Service', '5 of 5 stars,5 of 5 stars,5 of 5 stars,5 of 5 stars,5 of 5 stars,5 of 5 stars'; ...
'Location,Rooms,Cleanliness,Service', '4 of 5 stars,1 of 5 stars,3 of 5 stars,4 of 5 stars'}
%The above is not a very useful way to store data, so split it:
ratinglabels = cellfun(@(r) strsplit(r, ','), ratings(:, 1), 'UniformOutput', false);
ratingscores = cellfun(@(r) str2double(regexp(r, '\d+(?= of)', 'match')), ratings(:, 2), 'UniformOutput', false); %extract score
%get unique labels, and mapping between original array and label column:
[labels, ~, destinationcolumn] = unique([ratinglabels{:}]);
%get row destination for each score:
destinationrow = repelem(1:size(ratings, 1), cellfun(@numel, ratingscores))';
%create output matrix and fill with score. Default value if score is missing is NaN:
scores = nan(size(ratings, 1), numel(labels));
scores(sub2ind(size(scores), destinationrow, destinationcolumn)) = [ratingscores{:}];
%pretty display:
scores = array2table(scores, 'VariableNames', matlab.lang.makeValidName(labels))
%export to excel:
writetable(scores, 'someexcelfile.xlsx');

More Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 22 Sep 2016
A 2-D cell array (like you have) is a matrix. It's a matrix of cells. Just define your cells differently if you want the things in between the commas to be in different cells.
  1 Comment
Thimiod Athan
Thimiod Athan on 22 Sep 2016
Edited: Thimiod Athan on 22 Sep 2016
My mistake, I want to create a matrix in excel. The cell is like the picture

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