How to use 'if' statement to pick up 3 to 4 values from the data that nearest to the mean?

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi, this question is on the same project I've been working on 10 Oct 2016 at 7:35.
I have 24 values of data and a mean value. I've been working to get 3 to 4 value from the last half of the data that are nearest to the mean by using 'if' statement. I know 'if' statement can be like these... [ if any(statement) ] or [ if all(statement) ] .
So, how can I code it to pick up 3 to 4 values from the data that nearest to the mean? Here is my code from the latest question.
function [Consistency,limit] = detection(x,y)
H = x;
G = H(y:24,:);
limit = mean(H(1:24,:));
if all(G > limit)
S = std(G);
Consistency = S;
Consistency = inf;
Hope anyone can guide me. Thanks.

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 16 Oct 2016
function [Consistency,limit] = detection(x,y)
H = x;
G = H(y:24,:);
limit = mean(H(1:24,:));
vals4 = zeros(1,4);
bestdiff = inf(1,4);
bestvals = inf(1,4);
for r = 1 : size(G,1)
for c = 1 : size(G,2)
thisval = G(r,c);
thisdiff = abs(thisval - limit);
if thisdiff < bestdiff(1)
bestdiff = [thisdiff, bestdiff(1), bestdiff(2), bestdiff(3)];
bestvals = [thisval, bestvals(1), bestvals(2), bestvals(3)];
elseif thisdiff < bestdiff(2)
bestdiff = [bestdiff(1), thisdiff, bestdiff(2), bestdiff(3)];
bestvals = [bestvals(1), thisval, bestvals(2), bestvals(3)];
elseif thisdiff < bestdiff(3)
bestdiff = [bestdiff(1), bestdiff(2), thisdiff, bestdiff(3)];
bestvals = [bestvals(1), bestvals(2), thisval, bestvals(3)];
elseif thisdiff < bestdiff(4)
bestdiff = [bestdiff(1), bestdiff(2), bestdiff(3), thisdiff];
bestvals = [bestvals(1), bestvals(2), bestvals(3), thisval];
Now bestvals are the 4 values that are closest to the mean.
I would certainly not code it this way for myself, but you specifically asked to use if, so this is the version that uses if.

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